What foods help you lose weight: secrets of the stars

On the eve of the season of beach parties and romantic sunsets on the seashore, Hollywood stars shared their weight loss secrets. Interestingly, strict diets, hunger strikes and other exhausting options for losing weight are no longer relevant: you just need to include a number of foods in your diet that promote rapid weight loss.

As celebrity nutritionists say, in order for “weight loss products” to work and the needle on the scale to start moving down, they must form the basis of the diet for 3-4 weeks. After this time, the menu can be expanded.

Today, magical foods are included in the diet of Britney Spears, Cameron Diaz, Megan Fox, Christina Aguilera, Ricky Martin, George Clooney and even Madonna.

You can join the ranks of the stars by building your menu on the following products:

Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is lean, perfectly absorbed by the body and rich in protein. And protein is an essential component of a weight loss menu. It is protein, in interaction with fiber, that accelerates metabolism, which means it accelerates the process of losing weight. By the way, rabbit can be replaced with chicken fillet. They are very similar in their properties.

Cauliflower and broccoli

Cauliflower and broccoli are rich in fiber, which, when combined with protein, speeds up metabolism. That is why during a diet it will be the best side dish option.


Ginger is famous for its antioxidant properties and also helps burn fat. Add this product to your daily diet.

Recipe: Grate the celery root on a fine grater or grind in a blender. Take a tablespoon of chopped celery and pour 500 ml of hot water. Let it sit overnight. Drink this infusion throughout the day between meals. This promotes weight loss and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels.


One small tomato provides the body with half the daily requirement of carotene and vitamin C. In addition, they are low in calories. During your diet, be sure to eat salads with tomatoes.


Eggs provide the body with proteins that are necessary for a complete metabolic process. Eat 2 eggs daily. By the way, they perfectly remove the feeling of hunger.


Fish is a great option for dinner while on a diet. The main thing is to choose low-fat varieties of fish and cook it in the oven or steamer. It provides the body with protein, is good for brain activity and is very easily digestible.


A storehouse of fiber. It is best absorbed in the afternoon.

Low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is another dinner option for a person losing weight. So, it is rich in protein and calcium, can be low-fat and relieves hunger for a long time.

Oatmeal and nuts

Oatmeal with nuts is a stellar breakfast during a diet. This dish is nutritious, rich in fiber and vitamin E, and also perfectly cleanses the intestines.


Olives help fight fat deposits. They also help remove excess fluid, thereby helping in the fight against cellulite. Please note, not olives, but olives.

By consuming the above products daily, you can effortlessly lose those unwanted pounds in just 4 weeks.