24 facts that those who want to lose weight didn’t know

Losing weight is one of the most popular health and beauty goals. And it would seem that what could be easier than just losing weight? However, for many people it is not that simple. But don’t despair, in this article we have collected for you 24 facts about losing weight that will help you achieve the desired result.

  1. Working on your abdominal muscles does not help burn fat. The abs will be formed on a layer of fat, so in order for the fat layer on the stomach to burn, it is necessary to retract it and tense the muscles.

  2. Swinging is good for your hips, stretching your calves, and walking for your legs.

  3. For beautifully and moderately pumped muscles, you need to exercise 2-3 times a week with mandatory stretching after training.

  4. Drink 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning (with lemon). After 10 minutes, it is advisable to consume 2 tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil. This will help maintain the necessary fat in the body, good for the breasts and maintaining the menstrual cycle. You can also eat a green apple.

  5. Have breakfast in 10-15 minutes. The first meal should be hearty to provide energy for the whole day.

  6. There is no need to drink food with anything for 40 minutes. This is fraught with slower digestion, heaviness and expansion of the stomach walls.

  7. Eat small and frequent meals. Eating 5 times a day every three hours at the same time is a great way to speed up your metabolism.

  8. Contrary to popular belief, baths and saunas do not burn fat, but only remove water from the body. The fluid returns after 2 hours.

  9. It is not as important not to eat after six as 3-4 hours before bedtime.

  10. After four o'clock in the afternoon, only protein foods should be present in the diet. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.

  11. Develop the habit of having a contrast shower. This procedure increases blood circulation, speeding up metabolism, smoothes cellulite, and also improves complexion.

  12. Chew your food thoroughly and slowly to speed up your metabolism.

  13. Eat slowly, as you will feel full after 20 minutes.

  14. Eliminate gluttony. Make mealtimes a not-so-pleasant experience: sit with your back straight, no TV/book, use small plates and forks to make the portion look larger, and eat slowly and savor the flavors.

  15. Make sure you get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain because the body begins to produce hormones that increase appetite.

  16. Avoid stressful situations. Stress can lead to an increase in cortisol levels in the body, which contributes to weight gain and fat mass.

  17. Don't forget about exercise. Regular exercise helps speed up your metabolism and burn fat.

  18. Don't forget about proper nutrition. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn during the day. It is also important to eat healthy foods that contain protein, vitamins and minerals.

  19. Avoid fasting. Fasting can lead to a decrease in metabolism as well as an increase in appetite.

  20. Don't forget to drink water. Water helps improve body function and speed up metabolism, as well as reduce hunger.

  21. Avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol is high in calories and can lower your metabolic rate, leading to fat accumulation.

  22. Don't forget about regular check-ups with your doctor. Various diseases can lead to excess weight gain, so it is important to check your health regularly.

  23. Don't compare your weight loss process to others. Each body has its own characteristics, so it is important not to compare with others and follow your weight loss plan.

  24. Be patient. Losing weight is a process that takes time and effort. It is important not to give up and continue to work towards your goal.