Bean diet

The bean diet is ideal for those who not only strive to quickly achieve the desired result, but also like to eat legumes. In addition, it is easy to use and does not require any additional procedures.

But we must not forget that the bean diet, like any other, may be contraindicated for certain groups of people. People with gastrointestinal tract diseases should not resort to it very carefully, and in no way without the permission of a doctor, because legumes cause the formation of gases in the intestines and are difficult to digest.

For diabetics, on the contrary, such a diet is suitable, because it boils down to replacing sugar and starch with beans, and such nutrition can fully provide the body with energy, thanks to the presence of complex carbohydrates in the beans, which take a long time to break down, feeding the body’s cells with energy. You won't want to snack between meals using this legume. In addition, beans are a real storehouse of iron, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Everyone knows that beans are the cheapest and healthiest protein, containing fiber, which is not found in meat.

Approximate menu for a bean diet

All diets based on regular foods are easy to use, because you can simply prepare a delicious dish, feed it even to your loved ones, and at the same time get your figure in order. As for beans, you can simply pour canned beans onto a plate and, if desired, decorate them with other vegetables. But if you like variety, use your own imagination, and at the same time listen to the advice of nutritionists.

There are two modes for the bean diet: strict and moderate. Those who want to lose weight quickly go on a strict diet, but for a stable effect, when the beach season is still far away, it is better to try the second option first. You need to eat 3-4 times a day, and the volume of food consumed should not increase, but simply be divided into more parts.

Here is a sample menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of green tea without sugar;
  2. Second breakfast (no earlier than an hour after the first): 300-400 g of fresh berries or fruits (juice is possible);
  3. Lunch: a plate of lean cabbage soup, a dish of beans, a salad of fresh vegetables;
  4. Dinner (no later than 7 o'clock): 100 g of low-fat boiled fish with canned beans.

Using your imagination, you can vary vegetable and bean dishes, the main thing is that the beans are stewed and the vegetables are fresh. It is also important to avoid simple carbohydrates, which are found in white bread, sugar and pasta. However, it is better to refuse any bread, and not to include dairy products (except low-fat cottage cheese and kefir), sweet drinks and sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, ding) in your diet.

If the bean diet gives visible results, you can gradually add other low-calorie dishes or cook them not only from beans. Here's a vegetable stew recipe that your whole family is sure to love.

Bean stew.
Separately, boil several types of beans (red, white, lentils). Stew everything together with onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil. The stew is ready.

As you can see, such a diet will not take much time, but after it not only will your figure be in order, but your skin condition will improve, your digestive processes will improve, and even hemorrhoids will disappear. It is easy to get out of it, and the result will please you with stability.