Top 5 autumn diets

After a vacation, I want to quickly get back into good shape. We know how to do this with the help of the most popular diets this fall. Here are the top 5 most effective diets for losing weight in the fall:

  1. Israeli diet for a week

A week on the Israeli diet will help you lose 2-3 extra pounds. The main rule is not to exclude anything from the plan and not to replace products. The basis of the diet is a combination of foods with each other. Replace all drinks with water, and drink olive oil in the morning.

  1. Carrot mono diet

Mono-diets give quick results, but no more than 3 days. Grind carrots and fruit/vegetables in a blender. Add lemon and honey. Drink a smoothie instead of a meal.

  1. Smoothie diet

Improves digestion, helps to lose weight by 5-7 kg. Menu: steamed oatmeal, banana, dairy product.

  1. Autumn express diet

Breakfast: watermelon, cheese, tomato, yogurt. Lunch: bread, salad with beets and carrots, meat, tomatoes. Dinner: meat, apple, mushrooms, mashed potatoes.

  1. Soup diet

Eat cabbage and celery soup in any quantity. Add additional foods every day: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish.

These are the diets that will help you quickly get in shape after summer!