Cherry diet

The cherry diet is a great way in the summer, when berries are not expensive, to lose extra pounds in a short time. The reason for this result is that cherries promote the effective removal of waste and toxins from the body.

This berry contains magnesium and manganese, calcium and potassium, copper, fluorine, iron, iodine and phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9, C and E, H, K and PP, so it is very easy to eat. healthy. It is recommended for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestinal atony and spastic colitis, liver and kidney diseases, and reduces excess cholesterol.

However, it is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, constipation or flatulence, gastritis with high acidity, inflammatory processes, diarrhea and diabetes. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Cherry mono-diet

Eating only cherries is allowed for no more than two days in a row, since in this case the body does not receive the full range of necessary substances and stomach problems are possible.

You can eat no more than 2 kg of berries per day in small portions every 40-60 minutes, but 1.2-1.5 kg is quite enough. In between, drink clean water, unsweetened green tea and low-fat kefir. The result is a loss of about 1 kg per day.

Enriched cherry diet

An enriched cherry diet involves adding low-fat protein products (low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish), complex carbohydrates (legumes, unrefined grains, wholemeal bread) and cucumber and tomato salads to the menu. You can lose 2-4 kg in a week. Cherries are a sweet berry, so even those with a sweet tooth can easily withstand such a diet.

Meals are offered 4 times a day with an afternoon snack between lunch and dinner. Every other day, fresh cherries are supplemented with a glass of unsweetened cherry compote or juice in line with low-fat yogurt or kefir.

In the first 2 days you should eat 600 grams of fresh cherries in 2-3 meals, in the next 2 days - 400 grams in two doses, in the last 3 days - 500 grams in 2 meals.

The cherry diet is one of the most delicious and light. Lose weight for your health!