Weekly whey diet

Weekly whey diet: how to lose 5 kg in 7 days

If you're looking for a way to lose weight quickly and safely, then a week-long whey diet may be just what you need. By consuming whey, the lowest-calorie dairy product, you can lose 5 kg in seven days. In addition, whey cleanses the intestines well of toxins and is a healthy source of protein and other nutrients.

You can buy whey at the store or make it yourself. To prepare homemade whey, you need to boil milk, squeeze lemon juice into it, stir and remove from heat. Then you need to leave the milk for several hours until the whey separates from the mass. The serum should be poured onto gauze and allowed to drain. As a result, you will receive fresh and healthy whey.

The whey diet lasts 7 days. During this time, you should drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day, not counting tea and coffee, and preferably eat at the same time. Breakfast is the same all week - a slice of cheese, a few crackers and unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch and dinner are slightly different, but all dishes are light and low in calories.

A sample menu for the week looks like this:

First day

Lunch - orange, apple, glass of whey.

Dinner - two cucumbers, an egg and 125 g of dietary cottage cheese.

Second day

Lunch - two cucumbers, 200 g of boiled chicken, a glass of whey.

Dinner - two glasses of diet yogurt and 125 g of diet cottage cheese.

The third day

Lunch - 100 g of cheese, an apple or orange, a glass of whey.

Dinner - 2 eggs and 200 g of vegetable salad.

Fourth day

Lunch - boiled fish, two cucumbers, a glass of whey.

Dinner - egg, vinaigrette and 50 g of boiled veal.

Fifth day

Lunch - an apple or orange, 125 g of dietary cottage cheese, a glass of whey.

Dinner - 5-6 radishes or 1 tomato, 100 g of ham and an egg.

Sixth day

Lunch - orange, apple, glass of whey.

Dinner - 125 g of dietary cottage cheese and a glass of yogurt.

Seventh day

Lunch - cucumber, 100 g of boiled chicken and a glass of whey.

Dinner - 5-6 radishes and 100 g of cheese.

It is important to remember that the whey diet is not a long-term solution for weight loss and is not suitable for people with certain medical conditions. In addition, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Despite this, a week-long whey diet can be beneficial for those looking for a quick solution to weight loss. It helps speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins, and also provides beneficial nutrients. Try this diet and see for yourself how effective it is!