Fricker's diet: a combination of nutrition and exercise

The Fricker diet is a nutritional system developed by French nutritionist Jacques Fricker, which allows you to gradually lose weight without stressing the body. In a month you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms by following simple but strict rules.

The main rule of the Fricker diet is regular exercise. Physical activity helps speed up your metabolism and burn calories, which helps you lose weight. It is recommended to exercise at least two hours a day, such as running, swimming, cycling or working out at the gym.

Another important rule of the Fricker diet is proper nutrition. The diet consists of foods high in protein and fiber, which provide the body with essential nutrients and speed up metabolism. The diet should include vegetables, herbs, fruits, low-fat dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and poultry. At the same time, portions should be moderate. Fats, fast carbohydrates and alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the diet or consumed in minimal quantities.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

Breakfast: muesli or cornflakes with low-fat milk, bread with a piece of cheese and tea without sugar.

Lunch: 200 grams of pasta, rice, legumes (to choose from). You can supplement with red and green vegetables in unlimited quantities and 100 g of boiled meat or fish. A little butter or vegetable oil is allowed.

Dinner: the menu is the same as for lunch, but the portion should be half the size. Recommended drinks include tea, pure water, and herbal infusions. Fruit juices and compotes should be excluded.

Particular attention should be paid to consuming vegetables rich in vitamin B and plant protein, such as potatoes and grains, as well as green vegetables, which contain many vitamins and fiber with minimal calories. Fruits should be consumed with caution as they contain a lot of fructose, which can be high in calories.

The Fricker Diet is a combination of proper nutrition and regular exercise that helps you gradually lose weight without stressing your body. Its advantage is that it is not a strict diet, but rather encourages moderate but regular consumption of nutritious foods. It is important to remember that before starting any diet, you should consult with your doctor and nutritionist to determine the appropriate diet and exercise regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

In addition, in addition to eating right and exercising, it is recommended to drink enough water. Sassi water is a drink that gets its name from journalist Kindra Sassi, who developed the recipe. It includes fresh cucumber slices, fresh ginger, mint leaves and lemon juice topped with water. This drink helps speed up metabolism, improve digestion and promote weight loss.

Thus, the Fricker diet is a combination of proper nutrition, regular exercise and adequate water intake. By following this diet, you can gradually lose weight and improve your overall health, without stress or hunger. The main thing is to follow the rules and be persistent in achieving your goal.