Hit parade of New Year's diets based on available products

New Year's Eve is already too close. And I want to meet the coming year dressed up, beautiful and in shape. There is still a little time to transform yourself, lose weight and fit into your favorite dress!

It has been proven that a porridge diet is one of the ways to comfortably cleanse the body

Any cereal consists of complex carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed, so they charge you with energy for a long time, but are almost not deposited on the waist and hips. Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, the body will be provided with everything it needs. In addition, porridges are rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The porridge has the effect of a brush, which scrapes waste and toxins from the walls of the internal organs and takes them with it.

A hit parade of the most popular and effective cereals that will become an excellent basis for a cereal diet:

First place. Barley porridge or Barley porridge diet

Barley groats are made from barley grains, rich in vitamins B, E, PP and others. For those losing weight, barley is valuable because of its phosphorus content, which is necessary for good metabolism. In addition, barley is the champion among cereals in terms of fiber content, which ensures long-term saturation and acts as a “broom” in the body.

The barley diet is designed for 7 days, during which you can lose about 4-6 kilograms of unnecessary weight. During this time, barley porridge will be the main dish. Naturally, without salt, sugar, honey and butter. In addition to porridge, you are allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and berries. And, of course, do not forget about a large amount of clean water without gas.

In order for the diet to be as effective as possible, you need to be careful when choosing barley groats. Barley grains should be approximately the same size with optimal fiber content (without large inclusions of bran). Thanks to the uniform and large size of the grains, the barley groats will cook evenly, and the porridge will turn out crumbly. On the Ukrainian market, cereals with these characteristics can be purchased under the Zhmenka trademark.

Second place. Wheat porridge or wheat porridge diet

Wheat is the lowest calorie of all porridges. Among cereal diets, the wheat diet is the most effective, allowing, in addition to weight loss, to “cleanse” the entire body and saturate it with useful substances.

The wheat porridge diet lasts 7 days, during which time you can lose up to 6 kg of excess weight, reduce fat deposits on the hips and abdomen.

All week you need to eat wheat porridge, cooked without adding salt and sugar. You can (and even need) to add vegetables to the porridge. It is recommended to eat three times a day, with the last dinner at 6 p.m. You need to drink a lot of water, at least 2 liters per day. In addition, low-fat fermented milk products, green or herbal teas are recommended.

Wheat cereal for such a diet must be made from durum wheat. This cereal differs from ordinary wheat, both in appearance and in beneficial properties. The characteristic features of such wheat porridge can be considered using the example of wheat cereal TM “Zhmenka”. This cereal has a golden natural color, smooth, even edges of the cereal grains. There is no white dust (flour, flour), so the porridge turns out crumbly.

In addition, you need to remember that wheat groats made from durum wheat have a higher protein content and lower starch (carbohydrates) content compared to wheat groats made from soft wheat varieties.

Third place. Buckwheat or Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is not only filling, but also cleanses the body: it removes toxins and heavy metal ions, and helps reduce cholesterol levels. In addition, it contains protein