How Before and After Photos Deceive

Today we are surrounded by a huge amount of advertising that tries to convince us that we must change our lifestyle in order to become happy and healthy. In this process, our eyes are constantly greeted with “Before” and “After” photographs that show us what kind of results we can achieve by doing certain exercises or diets. However, it turns out that most of these photographs are just a simple photo illusion.

It all started when an Australian fitness enthusiast posted a collage of two photos on her blog about a year ago. In the photographs, the heroine demonstrated her success in the fight against excess weight. In one we see a girl with clearly “extra” folds, in the second we see a much slimmer girl. This photo spread across many lifestyle publications and blogs, causing quite a stir.

However, as it turned out later, both photographs were taken with a break of 15 minutes. The girl showed how deceptive a photograph of a figure can be. The slimming effect was achieved by changing the position, a different hairstyle and nicer panties. Minus a couple of kilos in a couple of minutes!

As you can see, these "Before" and "After" photos can be easily deceived and do not always reflect reality. In most cases, these photos do not show real progress and do not give a clear picture of how we can achieve the desired result. This can lead to frustration and despair when people don't get the results they expected from following these "inspirational" photos.

Also, it's worth noting that even if a Before and After photo is real, it doesn't always show the full picture. Achieving results can take a lot of time, effort and patience, which is not always shown in these photographs.

Instead of trusting these photos, we should focus on our health and well-being. We must take care of ourselves by following a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and exercise. We must also take into account the individual characteristics of our body and not compare ourselves with other people.

Ultimately, Before and After photos are just a small part of a big picture. We must use common sense and not allow these photographs to manipulate our emotions and decisions. Ultimately, our health and well-being is what really matters and we should do everything we can to maintain it at a high level.