Youth elixir. What you need to know about carotene?

Elixir of youth: what you need to know about carotene?

One of the main causes of skin aging is a lack of vitamin A, or retinol, which is essential for skin health and elasticity. However, retinol is not found in its pure form in food and must be obtained from other sources. In this case, carotene comes to the rescue - a substance that our liver converts into retinol. In this article we will talk about what carotene is and what foods contain large amounts of this substance.

Carotene is a pigment that gives the orange-yellow color to some vegetables and fruits. This substance has antioxidant properties and protects the body from free radicals, which can lead to various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

However, carotene not only protects the body from harmful influences, but is also an excellent source of vitamin A. 60% of the body's daily need for this vitamin is covered by beta-carotene. In addition, carotene performs a number of other important functions in the body.

The main sources of carotene are orange-yellow vegetables and fruits. In particular, carrots, pumpkin and sea buckthorn are real record holders for carotene content. In addition, carotene can be obtained from foods such as sweet peppers, apricots, dill, and chicken eggs.

The carotene content of foods can vary greatly depending on the variety, cooking method and other factors. For example, 100 grams of carrots contain about 9 mg of carotene, and 100 grams of sweet pepper contain from 1 to 2 mg of carotene.

But carotene not only helps keep the skin healthy and elastic, but also has a number of other beneficial properties. For example, it helps asthmatics cope with attacks of illness and allergy sufferers get rid of a runny nose. In addition, carotene improves vision and helps adapt to different lighting, which is especially important for office workers. Retinol, which comes from carotene in the body, is needed by athletes and secret agents to quickly respond to changing situations.

Thus, carotene is a real elixir of youth, which helps maintain the health and beauty of the skin, protect the body from harmful influences, as well as improve vision and help asthmatics and allergy sufferers. Therefore, include foods rich in carotene in your diet and allow your body to enjoy all its beneficial properties. Do not forget also that the consumption of foods containing carotene should be moderate, since an excess of this substance can lead to a weakened immune system and other problems. Follow food recommendations and remember to balance your diet to ensure your body gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs for a healthy, happy lifestyle.