Fiber diet

Fiber is, in the language of chemists, a complex carbohydrate of plant origin, which is practically insoluble in the human body. And simply - plant fibers, contained in large quantities under the skin of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. This substance accumulates especially heavily in products from last year’s harvest, which have already lost almost all vitamins and minerals. Eat as many apples, peaches, tangerines, blueberries, currants, cabbage of any variety, zucchini, beets, carrots, brown rice, legumes, whole grain unpolished cereals, bran, seeds, corn, seafood - your body will do the rest for you.

Previously, the usefulness of fiber was underestimated and it was almost completely removed from products during cooking, while the remains lost their beneficial properties during prolonged heat treatment. Therefore, it is important, having settled on this particular diet, to minimize the time of cooking and stewing foods, and, if possible, eat them raw. If for some reason it is difficult to follow this rule, you can buy dry fiber at the pharmacy and add it to any liquid dishes: without a sufficient amount of liquid there will be no effect. You also need to take care of a complex of vitamin preparations.

How the diet works
Fiber, entering the stomach, swells, like a sponge soaking up liquid. This creates a feeling of satiety for a long time, which prevents the consumption of extra calories - the fat deposits themselves are not broken down, new ones simply are not formed. Thanks to the polysaccharides contained in this product, the brain constantly receives signals from the stomach that everything is fine, you don’t want to eat, which means the person does not experience stress, nervousness, or lethargy. This is precisely what explains the enormous popularity of the diet: you can eat everything, lose weight and still remain cheerful and satisfied!

Fiber, passing through the entire gastrointestinal tract, perfectly removes toxins, stimulates peristalsis, prevents the rotting of food debris and the formation of kidney stones, improves complexion, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.

Sample fiber diet menu

200 gr. sweetened porridge with milk (oatmeal, rice, corn, barley) + 1.5 tbsp. fiber;
Sugar free coffee;

1 glass of kefir or fermented baked milk + 1.5 tbsp. fiber;
Any fruit: apple, peach, pear.

A plate of vegetable, mushroom, bean soup + bran bread;
100 gr. sweet yogurt + 1.5 tbsp. fiber;
Green tea without sugar.

Afternoon snack
100 g of cottage cheese + 1.5 tbsp. fiber;
Banana, nuts, seeds.

Vegetable salad with flaxseed oil or just vegetables;
100 gr. boiled fish, seafood or 1 egg;
Tea without sugar.

Before bedtime
a glass of kefir + 1.5 tbsp. fiber

You need to drink plenty of fluids and don’t forget about sports. Snacks in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables and seeds are allowed. But don’t expect a quick effect - the first results will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks. But such a diet does not cause damage to the body, and therefore can last for a long period.