Top 10 factors that prevent you from losing weight

  1. Diet without sports. Exercise stimulates your metabolism and helps you burn more calories.

  2. Unhealthy food. Give up fast food, sweets and fatty foods - switch to proper nutrition.

  3. Refusal of breakfast. Eating breakfast will give you energy and reduce overeating throughout the day.

  4. Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep makes you eat more.

  5. Stress. Stressful behavior often leads to overeating.

  6. Binge eating. Long diets can lead to breakdowns and overeating.

  7. Lack of a plan. Without a clear plan, it's easy to lose your way.

  8. Diet pills. They are ineffective and harmful.

  9. Social environment. Ask loved ones to support your efforts.

  10. Diseases. Consult your doctor before losing weight.