Three Food Diet

talk about a diet of three products: oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples

There are many diets that promise quick and effective results. However, such diets are often unbalanced and can be harmful to health. One of the options for a balanced diet that will help you quickly lose weight is a diet based on three products: oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples.

This diet allows you to lose from 0.5 to 1.5 kg of excess weight per day. Experts advise sticking to this diet for 7-10 days. Be prepared for the fact that the longer you follow it, the slower the weight will come off.

Why these three products? It's simple - this diet is balanced. Oatmeal is a source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, beneficial minerals and vitamins. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and relieves hunger for a long time. Cottage cheese provides the body with easily digestible proteins and essential fatty acids. Apples are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, remove cholesterol from the body, and normalize metabolism.

Below is a sample menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal without butter (you can add nuts), 1-2 apples.
  2. Lunch: oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and 3 apples.
  3. Dinner: 3 apples and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

You can drink herbal teas, tinctures, tea without sugar, still water, and if you can’t bear it, then coffee, but without milk and sugar. Snacks can be made with green herbs, raw nuts, apples.

It is important to remember that this diet is not balanced over a long period of time and can lead to deficiencies of some vitamins and minerals, so it is recommended to only do it for a short period of time. You should also consult your doctor before starting any diet.