How to preserve vitamin C?

Vitamin C is one of the most important for our body. He is also the least persistent. To preserve it when cooking, you need to know a few rules.

First, it is a water-soluble vitamin, so it can be lost during washing and blanching of berries and fruits. Secondly, it is oxidized by oxygen, especially when heated in the presence of iron, copper and other metals.

So to retain as much vitamin C as possible, try to wash everything vigorously and quickly before cooking. Do not leave vegetables in water for a long time. Ideally, food should be washed immediately before cooking or eating.

In canning, vegetables and fruits should not be blanched for long, using only enamel dishes for this purpose. You can purchase a special bag for boiling and blanching vegetables, which allows you to reduce the loss of valuable vitamins. If you don’t have this on your household yet, use a lidded pan so that contact with air is minimal. As a last resort, open the lid slightly. Use knives only made of stainless steel. And sieves for wiping fruits should be either hair or plastic, and in no case metal.

If we are talking about drying, say, apples or greens containing vitamin C, the drying temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.

Author: Maria Lukina