Cheese diet: with fats, proteins and no carbohydrates

The cheese diet is protein-rich, but it differs from the meat diet in that the protein contained in cheese is much better absorbed by the body. The cheese diet should be used carefully and short-term, because with the consumption of cheese the body receives proteins and fats, but this product contains absolutely no carbohydrates. You can have a fasting cheese and wine day or stick to a soft cheese diet for a week. Buy firm varieties of the product that contain a minimum amount of fat - 10-12%, not very salty and not spicy. The fat content of cheese is determined in relation to the weight of its dry matter (excluding water).

Fasting day
This diet is suitable for weekends, because with each meal you need to drink a certain amount of dry white wine. During such a fasting day you can lose 500 g. An approximate menu for a fasting cheese and wine day is 70 g of cheese five times a day with one dry bread and 50 ml of dry white wine. Between meals, be sure to drink about 1.5 liters of liquid (water or green tea). This type of unloading is suitable only for young and healthy people.

Weekly cheese diet
You can lose about 7 kg with it. But it is not recommended for those who suffer from kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Eating on a cheese diet should be 5-6 times a day. Sample menu for a weekly cheese diet:

  1. 8-00 – black coffee or tea without sugar;
  2. 10-30 – one boiled egg;
  3. 13-00 – 200 g of lean boiled meat (beef or poultry);
  4. 15-30 – 100-150 g of cheese 10-12% fat;
  5. 18-00 – 200-250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  6. 20-30 – a glass of low-fat kefir.

Just like on a fasting day, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day. You can repeat this diet after three months. After it, switch to a normal balanced diet high in carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, fruits and grains. This will give a jolt to the body, and the metabolism will go more intensively.