11 surefire ways to lose weight

  1. Don't go on a strict diet. It leads to metabolic disorders. Minimum - 1200 kcal per day.

  2. Watch your portion sizes. Meat, fish - about the size of a deck of cards, vegetables - 1 glass, porridge - half a glass.

  3. Eat foods of different colors - green, red, yellow. The more diverse, the more useful.

  4. Prefer fruits to juices - they give you a feeling of fullness and fewer calories.

  5. Avoid artificial sweeteners - they increase your appetite.

  6. Limit alcohol to 2-3 glasses per week - it inhibits fat burning.

  7. Prepare healthy food for dinner in advance to avoid eating unhealthy foods.

  8. Eating from small plates is a visual deception.

  9. Quench your thirst with water before eating - hunger can be confused with thirst.

  10. Wait 20 minutes before eating - you may not be hungry.

  11. After eating, clear the table so as not to be tempted.