Meat vs weight

The problem of losing weight has always worried me. It’s not that I don’t walk through any doors, but rather the opposite: half of my friends think I’m skinny, and the other half think I’m skinny. But I myself, carried away by the general mania for the fight against excess weight, happily go on different diets in the hope of losing a few more kilograms. After all, as far as I remember from mathematics, zero is not the limit; there are also negative numbers. Therefore, when my beloved friend flew into my apartment and happily chirped about some mysterious protein diet that promised to lighten everyone by a certain number of kilograms, I could not help but become interested - I talked with specialists, and sifted through a bunch of literature. And this is what I managed to find out.

What it is? Those who want to go on a protein diet are recommended to eat as much protein as possible - lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, eggs and give up fats and carbohydrates, that is, sweets, flour, potatoes, pasta, butter. Supporters of extreme measures are advised to completely ignore shopping and cooking dinners and replace regular foods with artificial protein packaged in bars. These same tiles must be diluted in water and after that turn into a dubious-looking slurry, which, as the manufacturers assure, will provide a losing weight lady with about five hundred calories a day. And in order not to stretch your legs from such nutrition, proteins are supplemented with vitamins and microelements in capsules.

The creators of this diet promise a truly magical transformation to their followers. In a couple of weeks, excess weight fighters should lose from 3 to 8 kilograms. And in most cases this is not a lie at all. The fact is that carbohydrates are a source of glucose, a kind of “fuel” for the human body. And the body can get this “fuel” in two ways - either from food or from its own reserves. So, in the absence of fats and carbohydrates in the menu, the unfortunate body, tortured by diet, has only one way out - to slowly eliminate its own fat reserves. And as a result, extra pounds are burned.

However, not everything is so rosy. In addition to its advantages, a protein diet also has many disadvantages. So don’t rush to throw pasta and potatoes out of the pantry and stock up on plenty of fish, meat and eggs. First you need to weigh the pros and cons.


First, as already said, you will actually lose weight. And at the same time, you will not experience hunger pangs at all: after all, protein foods are quite capable of providing you with the required amount of energy. So, most likely, you won’t have to hang a barn lock on the refrigerator and throw the keys out the window.

The fact is that protein foods are quite difficult to digest and take a long time. That is, if you have meat for lunch, your stomach will be busy for half a day and you will not want to have a snack before dinner. In addition, the body will spend more calories digesting this heavy protein food than processing something lighter, such as a bun or yogurt.

And secondly, your diet will be quite varied. After all, you just have to give up side dishes and desserts, which, you see, is much easier than eating just oatmeal and carrots, as if you were on a regular low-calorie diet.

Well, the main advantage of protein diets is that the excess weight will not return soon after you stop following the diet. This, of course, does not mean that the next day after stopping the diet you need to run to the store, buy a kilogram cake and eat it without sharing it with anyone, but with reasonable moderation you will be able to maintain the achieved effect for a long time.


The horror of the situation is that if you stick to a protein diet, your diet can hardly be called balanced. When you minimize fats and carbohydrates, your body will be deprived of not only the necessary material for extra pounds, but also a bunch of different vitamins, microelements and fatty acids.

The result is sad - brittle nails, dull hair, dry skin,