Top 6 tricks to quickly and easily lose weight by summer

Summer is approaching and many of us want to lose weight so we can look our best in a swimsuit. However, this can often be difficult and time consuming. But don’t despair, in this article we will tell you about the top 6 tricks that will help you lose weight easily and quickly by summer.

  1. The 30-Second Exercise Trick

According to a study from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, an hour and a half of moderate speed cycling can be replaced by 30 seconds of powerful bursts of speed. This means you can exercise for less time and still lose weight faster.

  1. Portion inspection

If you're tired of cooking and prefer to order food home, remember that restaurant food can contain 60 percent more calories than home-cooked food. This has to do with portion sizes. Therefore, before ordering food, check the portion size and try to choose dishes that are not high in calories.

  1. Sleep and lose weight

A recent study from the University of Michigan found that adding one hour of sleep per day can help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. Additionally, a Harvard study found that people who sleep less than 7 hours a day have a greater risk of gaining excess weight. Therefore, try to get enough sleep every night.

  1. The best diet breakfast

Researchers at Louisiana State University found that people who eat two eggs for breakfast lose 65 percent more weight than those who eat bagels with the same number of calories. Plus, those who ate eggs did not have increased cholesterol levels.

  1. Listen to lose weight

Exercising to music can help you get leaner, say researchers from Brunel University in England. However, if you eat, it is best to do so in silence, as music can encourage overeating.

  1. Make fun of 40 calories

A Vanderbilt University study found that laughter can help burn up to 40 calories in 10 to 15 minutes. So, watch your favorite comedy or hang out with friends to laugh and lose weight.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight for summer, use these tricks to make the process easier and faster. Don't forget about proper nutrition and physical activity, which are also important for achieving the desired results. Good luck to you!