Blood type diet: eat right!

Today there are a huge number of diets and tips on how to quickly and safely lose excess weight. However, not all of them are effective. In recent years, individual selection of proper nutrition based on blood type has become increasingly practiced. Personal consultations with a nutritionist, of course, are the best option, but there are general recommendations that can give results.

People did not always have different blood types; they appeared in the process of evolution and depended on the lifestyle and nutritional characteristics of humans. Nowadays, you can choose the optimal diet for yourself based on your blood type.

Blood type 1 - it is believed that people originally had this particular blood type. People who have it are predisposed, like their ancestors, to meat. The first group ensures good digestion, but does not allow you to quickly adapt to a sudden change in lifestyle.

Recommended foods for blood type 1: vegetables - red onions, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin; greens - parsley; fruits - plums, red apples; meat - beef, veal, lamb; fish - almost any type of river and sea fish and seafood.

Foods that are not recommended for blood type 1: olives, some types of mushrooms (for example, champignons), white and red cabbage, dairy products, nut and corn oils, cereals and other grain products, especially those that have undergone significant thermal processing.

Blood group 2 - this blood group is inherent in our ancestors, who were engaged in gathering and ate mainly plant foods. Among people with this blood type, vegetarians are the most common. The digestive system is easily adaptable to change, but is susceptible to heavy foods and allergens.

Recommended foods for blood type 2: vegetables - carrots, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, radishes; fruits - apples, pears, mangoes, avocados, oranges, and any berries; any fish, but river fish species are especially useful; baked goods made from soy flour.

Foods that are not recommended for blood group 2: meat, especially pork and beef, chicken, duck and goose; dairy products, excluding goat cheese and yoghurt; nuts other than almonds and cashews; corn and wheat, as well as any products made from them, including pasta.

Blood type 3 - people with this blood type are mixed, predisposed to moderate consumption of meat and plant foods. They tolerate a variety of foods well, but require a higher level of physical activity and exercise.

Recommended foods for blood type 3: vegetables - Brussels sprouts, green peas, red beets, eggplants, zucchini; fruits - pineapples, kiwi, figs, grapes, pears; meat - turkey, rabbit, beef, veal, chicken; fish - all types of seafood, except octopus.

Foods that are not recommended for blood type 3: corn, buckwheat, buckwheat porridge, chicken eggs, dairy products, especially cheeses and yogurt, legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas.

Blood type 4 - people with this blood type are adaptive and can respond adequately to a variety of foods, including meat and plant foods. They tolerate any changes in diet well, but require regular weight monitoring and moderate physical activity.

Recommended foods for blood type 4: vegetables - broccoli, pumpkin, red pepper, leek, squash; fruits - apricots, feijoa, cranberries, pomegranates, pineapples, kiwi; meat - rabbit, lamb, turkey, beef, veal; fish - any type of fish and seafood.

Foods not recommended for blood type 4: coconut oil, grains such as wheat and corn, legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas, dairy products, especially cheeses and yogurt.

Although the blood type diet is not scientifically proven and is not suitable for everyone, it may be effective for some people. However, before starting such a diet, it is necessary to consult a nutritionist or doctor to avoid possible side effects and ensure proper and balanced