How to lose weight from meat and lard... Doctor Kwasniewski's diet

How to lose weight from meat and lard... Doctor Kwasniewski's diet

Is it possible to lose weight from lard? According to Jan Kwasniewki, yes! Moreover, you can not only find your optimal weight, but also rid your body of unnecessary actions. The idea is this - it is better to eat food that is well digested and gives you a lot of energy than food from which you will not feel any satisfaction or benefit. Thanks to this, your weight will return to normal without harm to your health. Kwasniewski considers meat and lard to be the most optimal products for achieving an ideal figure, arguing that the abundance of fats in the human body does not harm it at all. Only for some reason fats of animal origin are mentioned, which, by our usual standards, are much more harmful than vegetable fats, such as olive oil, beans, soy...

In addition, the doctor recommends excluding vegetables and fiber from the diet, calling them useless products that only burden our stomach but do not provide any benefit: “Why eat them if they consist mainly of water? It is much easier to drink a couple of glasses of clean water and not load your stomach with unnecessary work. As for the vitamins necessary for normal life, they are also found in sufficient quantities in meat. Especially in by-products, which we often neglect: liver, heart, lungs, kidneys..."

Kwasniewski’s “Optimal Nutrition” system is gaining more and more popularity every day, despite its controversy. With its help, the doctor helps not only to get rid of excess deposits, but also to gain some weight for those who suffer from a lack of it. Thanks to his diet, the human body should return to the so-called norm, which is different for everyone, and if you try to contradict what is inherent in you by nature, you risk not only getting better, but significantly spoiling your health.

In Poland alone, Dr. Kwasniewski has more than two million followers. Many of them have united in clubs where they gather and discuss new recipes for “fatty” dishes. Here's what nutritionists say in favor of fat: “Brain cells are 60 percent fat, and this is a much higher concentration than in other parts of the body. The irony is that people are virtually unaware of this and are constantly striving to eliminate as much fat from their diet as possible, even though having enough fat in your diet is vital for brain development and keeping it in good shape.”

However, this phrase talks more about the benefits of vegetable fats (oils of grains, seeds, seeds), but fats found in meat or so-called hydrogenated oils (overcooked or rancid vegetable oil, margarine, cooking fats) are toxic , or contribute to increased cholesterol levels and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. But, oddly enough, many of Kwasniewski’s patients suffering from similar diseases have significantly improved their health using his unique method. Just some kind of miracles....

Here is a sample menu of the proposed “fat” diet:

Breakfast - scrambled eggs of at least three eggs with cracklings, a piece of bread (be sure to dip in fat) and unsweetened tea.

Lunch - 150 grams of semi-fat carbonate, fried in egg and breadcrumbs, several potatoes, mashed in fat from frying, as well as a small pickled cucumber.

The doctor advises eating only 2 times a day. He believes that this will be quite enough, since meat, lard, eggs and milk are very nutritious. You choose the appropriate food intake schedule for yourself, and then spend the calories you receive. If you feel hungry, feel free to eat something fatty or meaty whenever you please.

You can switch to a high-fat diet right away - without additional preparation. The doctor promises that very soon you will feel a surge of vigor, and your body will begin to return to normal.

All this, of course, sounds encouraging, but if you don’t try