How to cleanse your body after the holidays?

In order for the body to cleanse itself after a week of festivities, whether you like it or not, you will have to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you manage not to smoke or drink, you will add ten years to your life. In addition, it’s a good idea to start doing exercises in the morning and definitely switch to proper nutrition.

Start your morning with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is best to have breakfast with fresh fruit and vegetable salads, cottage cheese or oatmeal with nuts, raisins and seeds.
Losing weight during the holiday feast

Try not to eat complex salads. Replace mayonnaise with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Believe me, it's delicious too! In addition, this dressing is suitable for almost any dish (you can add salt, pepper, garlic and spices to it to taste). If you can’t deny yourself smoked meats, apply the lettuce leaf rule: one piece of cut – one lettuce leaf. Meat is absorbed by the body more easily if you always follow the following proportion: for one part of meat, you need to eat three parts of greens and vegetables.

Vegetables and fruits are the best helpers in cleansing the body; eat them as much as possible, giving preference to the usual apples, pears and carrots. And from ginger, honey and lemon you can make a truly miraculous drink. Lemon saturates with vitamins, ginger strengthens the immune system, and honey speeds up metabolism and quickly removes toxins.

Author: Maria Lukina

After the holidays, our body often needs a thorough cleansing of toxins and waste that accumulate as a result of unrestrained consumption of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods. In addition, in winter our biorhythm is disrupted and we often experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, which makes our body more vulnerable to viral infections such as influenza. In this article we will look at several ways that will help you quickly cleanse your body and boost your immunity.

The first group of products are substances that absorb toxins and waste and are eliminated from the body in 24-48 hours. Among them is activated carbon, which is sold in pharmacies. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight during the day, 30-40 minutes before meals, for 3-4 days. You can also use Ankir-B tablets, which are made from plant cellulose and have a similar effect to activated carbon. In addition, blue clay can also be used to cleanse the body. To prepare, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of clay in a glass of water and drink it throughout the day.

The second group of products are products that help eliminate toxins and waste and stimulate intestinal function. Among them are vegetables such as cabbage (in any form), beets and carrots, which contain pectins and fiber that help normalize intestinal function, as well as minerals and vitamins that replenish our supply. Vegetable juices, especially a mixture of beet and carrot juices, can also be used to cleanse the body. Porridges, such as oatmeal and buckwheat, contain a lot of fiber, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins, making them a valuable food product. Green tea is also a healthy drink due to the presence of powerful antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Dried fruit compotes, such as raisins and dried apricots, contain a large amount of potassium, which ensures the functioning of the heart muscle. Fermented milk products, such as bio-yogurt, bifidok, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, help normalize the intestinal microflora and contain a lot of calcium.

The third group of products are vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes. Increased doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) help get rid of alcohol breakdown products and improve the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body's cells from free radicals. Vitamin D is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system and strong bones. In addition, magnesium, zinc and selenium are essential minerals needed for normal functioning of the body and immune system.

Finally, don't forget the importance of physical activity and getting enough sleep to maintain health and improve immunity. Regular physical activity helps improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Adequate rest and sleep are also necessary to maintain health and strengthen the immune system.

In general, to quickly cleanse the body and improve immunity, a comprehensive approach is required, including proper nutrition, physical activity, adequate rest and intake of essential vitamins and minerals. By following these recommendations, you can quickly restore your health and boost your immunity after the holidays.