Vegetable cocktail Sandora - tasty and healthy

Who said that tasty and healthy juices come only from fruits? Sandora vegetable juices are in no way inferior to their fruit friends, and perhaps even give them a head start.

Why is vegetable juice healthy?

Late autumn and winter are the times of year when finding fresh vegetables from the garden becomes quite difficult. Tomatoes, carrots, beets, peppers and other vegetables that we find on store shelves, after long-term storage, lose the lion's share of vitamins and minerals and no longer have all the benefits that we expect from them.

Another thing is Sandora vegetable juice. It is made from fresh Ukrainian vegetables. Their processing occurs during the harvest period, when there are the most vitamins in vegetables. At the same time, juices from many vegetables are available all year round.

And these are not all the benefits of this juice. Vegetable juice helps the human body calmly transition “from summer to winter.” The fact is that in the warm season a person receives a lot of vitamins from berries and fruits. In the autumn, their “supplies” are significantly reduced, which becomes noticeable stress for the body. This is what causes the autumn blues and health problems for many people.

Vegetable juices are also good for children. But not all kids are delighted with their taste. In order for your child to drink a glass of this juice without any problems, try offering him a vegetable cocktail, for example carrot-apple, in which vegetable juice is mixed with fruit juice.

Vegetable smoothies are indispensable for those who want to lose excess weight: vegetable juices contain the vitamins and minerals a person needs without extra calories. Obviously, vegetable juices are simply irreplaceable for weight loss and well-being. For example, adherents of a healthy diet can start their day with a glass of Sandora vegetable juice, which is quickly absorbed and gives a feeling of fullness.

Vegetable juices and cooking

Who said you can only drink vegetable juices? They can become the basis for wonderful and delicious dishes. If you marinate the meat in tomato juice for a while before stewing, it will come out juicy and soft. Sometimes tomato juice is also added to borscht or various soups instead of tomatoes.

Based on a vegetable cocktail of tomatoes and peppers, you can prepare a wonderful spicy gazpacho or chili that will delight you and your loved ones. Sweet vegetable juices, like pumpkin and carrot, are great for making desserts such as jellies, puddings and fruit salad dressings.

Treatment with vegetable juices

Natural vegetable juices can be a useful addition to the treatment and prevention of various ailments. For example, tomato juice is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP. It also contains lycopene, which prevents vein thrombosis and improves heart function.

Carrot juice contains beta-carotene, which improves skin color, vision and gives energy. But pumpkin juice, on the contrary, is a natural sedative that can help combat insomnia.

It is very important to choose the vegetable cocktail that is right for you, because vegetables are a real storehouse of health that will help strengthen your immune system and improve your well-being.