Fasting days

Fasting days: how to cleanse the body and lose weight

In search of an ideal figure, many people use various diets and methods of losing weight. However, not everyone knows about such an effective and beneficial method for the body as fasting days. Fasting days are specially designed days when the body is given a break from normal nutrition and helps get rid of waste and toxins. In this article we will look at the different types of fasting days and their benefits for the body.

Why are fasting days needed?

The human body constantly produces waste products that are released in various ways. However, during weight loss, the human body is more polluted than usual and needs additional cleansing. Fasting days help cleanse the body of toxins and waste, improve digestion and metabolism, and also promote weight loss.

How to spend fasting days?

It is best to carry out fasting days once a week. When conducting them, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Divide all the food into four to five meals.
  2. Consider individual contraindications. Some foods included in the fasting day diet may be contraindicated for certain diseases.
  3. Drink enough fluids. You can drink water in unlimited quantities, and you can also drink juices, tea and compotes without sugar.

Types of fasting days

  1. Carrot fasting day. Once a month you can have a carrot day. Grate fresh raw carrots, add a spoonful of honey, lemon juice and eat this salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days. You can drink water in unlimited quantities.

  2. Apple fasting day. Prepare 1.5 kg of apples, grate them on a fine grater and eat 300 g every three hours. Drink as much liquid as you want.

  3. Banana fasting day. You need to eat 1 kg of bananas per day and drink at least 1 liter of liquid in the form of juices, tea or compote without sugar.

  4. Potato fasting days. 5 times a day, 300 g of baked potatoes with a small amount of sour cream or vegetable oil. Indications: heart disease with circulatory failure, kidney disease.

  5. Cucumber fasting day. In 4-5 meals you need to eat 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and drink at least 2 liters of water or green tea.

It is important to remember that fasting days are not recommended for people with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and adolescents. Before starting fasting days, you should consult your doctor.


Fasting days help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, improve digestion and metabolism, and also reduce weight. However, before performing them, it is necessary to take into account individual contraindications and consult a doctor.