How to eat healthy at your age?

What does it mean to “eat right”? This concept cannot be the same at twenty and at forty. From the point of view of specialists - doctors and nutritionists - every 10 years the body's metabolic processes slow down by 2%, which automatically brings 2 extra pounds. Therefore, calorie intake must be reduced by at least the same 2%. Let's take a closer look at the nutritional habits of people of different ages.

20 years

Thanks to the powerful metabolism characteristic of this age, weight is lost very quickly. However, it is just as easy to pick up afterwards. We must not forget that at the age of 20 the skeleton and hormonal background of the body have not yet fully formed. Therefore, it is necessary to include a full range of vitamins, nutrients and microelements in the diet.

30-40 years

Even if you eat the same as before, you notice that the pounds are gaining faster and getting rid of them is much more difficult. The metabolic rate at this age decreases, which means that other foods must now take up residence in the refrigerator.

45 years

At this age, it is extremely important to maintain good health and protect the body from various diseases. This is facilitated by an increased intake of calcium, which supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthens bones.

50-60 years

This age is characterized by a slow metabolism. A woman who has reached 60 years old can easily limit herself to 1500 kcal per day - while young girls should receive at least 2000 kcal. At the age of 60, serious changes occur in the female body. Even if you don't gain weight, you should still start eating a little differently.

Every age is beautiful in its own way. And to stay healthy and beautiful, you need not only to monitor the condition of your skin and hair, dress fashionably and exercise - the basis of our health and beauty lies, first of all, in proper nutrition.