The most common mistakes when losing weight

It's spring and we're counting down the days until the beach season starts. The desire to meet the summer in ideal physical shape, forgetting about cellulite, leads to the fact that we often lose common sense and forget about health when fighting for beauty. It is worth paying attention to the basic rules of healthy weight loss. Below you will find the most common mistakes when losing weight and ways to avoid them.

Dramatic weight loss

It seems that losing 15 kilograms in 10 days is easy, you just need to stop eating or eat half an apple a day, washed down with liters of green tea and weight loss cocktails. Yes, indeed, you can, if you try really hard, get rid of those hated kilograms. But there is a big catch: as soon as the diet comes to an end, your lost weight will return and, most likely, with excess.

Read more about the mechanism of express weight loss: when you sharply limit your calorie intake, the body thinks that the time of famine has come and it is not clear when this will end. The most accessible energy reserves - muscle fibers - will be used up first. Muscle is heavier than fat and 1 kg of muscle is much less volume than 1 kg of fat. Consequently, the weight begins to drop sharply and the needle on the scale moves in the direction of decrease, and you rejoice! But the muscle mass goes away, while the fat mass remains, I mean cellulite. This will cause a sharp weight gain in the future, since all metabolic processes in the body slow down significantly - 1 kg of muscle spends several times more calories than 1 kg of fat, and a person stores calories in reserve in the form of fat in certain areas. In women it is more common on the thighs and buttocks, in men - in the abdomen. You should not believe the promises of nutritionists that you will lose 15 kg in 10 days without harming yourself. It doesn't happen that way.

Solution: lose no more than 4 kg per month, while maintaining a balanced diet. Your diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates every day.

Excessive exercise

A too fierce desire to lose weight may lead you to think that you need to work more diligently and almost every day in the fitness club and gym. But no, you shouldn't do this. You are only exhausting yourself and your body in pursuit of the perfect tummy.

Solution: if you are already involved in sports and have a certain base, then it will be enough to increase the load by 20-25%. If you are new to the sport, you should start by gradually increasing the speed. That is, in the first month, devote two days a week to sports, the second - three days a week, and from the third - you can safely afford four workouts a week. So, by gradually increasing physical activity, your body will gradually get used to it and you will feel how you will become stronger, slimmer and more resilient. And don’t forget about proper nutrition - this is a third of success!

Fluid refusal

As you know, there are many ways to lose weight using a variety of diuretic teas, diuretics, and so on. It is true that you will lose weight as long as you use them. But as soon as you stop, two days will pass, you will drink a couple of liters of water and everything will return to its place, but at the same time you will also make fun of your gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, overloading them with work. In addition, when losing weight with the help of diuretics, the body does not have time to absorb all the nutrients, vitamins and macroelements from the incoming food. As a result, the appearance of nails, hair and skin may deteriorate.

Solution: Drink plenty of water. Every day you should drink 2-2.5 liters of pure still water, not tea/juice/coffee, but pure water. Approximately 1 glass per hour and a half. And also get into the habit of drinking 300 g of warm water on an empty stomach: this will awaken the body after sleep and start metabolism. At first, you may feel like a water balloon with a bloated stomach, but this is only due to the lack of habit of consuming enough