Diets for rapid weight loss

It’s good to carry out these diets about a month and a half before the planned event, graduation, wedding, and you will see how you change, how interesting it will be to choose those dresses that you have only dreamed of. You can lose weight from 5 to 8 kg.

Diet “Lose weight before the wedding”
This weight loss diet is completely balanced and can be followed for as long as you like. During the diet, you need to drink green tea, mineral table water, juices - 1.5 liters per day. Divide the food into 3-5 meals. The more meals, the better, the more pronounced the effect. Empty the refrigerator of all products except those listed. Season the salad with olive oil, not mayonnaise, and add salt in moderation. It is also not recommended to change the composition of products.

Monday. Fish day.
Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, or with low-fat milk) – 150g
Cottage cheese 0 – 4.5% fat – 250g
Soup (vegetable broth) – 250g
Rye bread – 40g
Boiled rice – 150 g
Boiled pink salmon – 150 g
Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs – 300 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Fruits or berries – 200 g.

Tuesday. Meat day.
Porridge – 150 g
Curd dessert 4.5% - 250 g
Soup – 250g
Vegetable stew – 200 g
Boiled veal (beef) – 200g
Vegetable salad – 300 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Fruits and berries – 200 g

Wednesday. Egg and milk day.
Porridge – 100 g
Cottage cheese 4.5% - 250 g
Egg – 100g
Cucumber and cabbage salad – 300 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Cheesecakes – 250 g
Sour cream – 250 g
Fruits – 200g.

Thursday. Fish day.
Porridge – 200 g
Yogurt – 200 g
Butter pastries – 100 g
Soup – 250 g
Rye bread – 40 g
Potatoes – 200 g
Boiled pink salmon – 150 g
Vegetable salad – 300 g
Bananas – 100 g.

Friday. Fruit day.
Bananas – 200 g
Dried apricots – 100 g
Raisins or grapes – 100 g
Dates – 100 g
Oranges – 100 g
Apples – 100 g
Yogurt – 250 g

Saturday. Chicken day.
Porridge – 150 g
Curd dessert – 100 g
Egg – 50 g
Banana – 100 g
Soup – 250 g
Rye bread – 40 g
Vegetable salad – 300 g
Pasta – 200 g
Boiled chicken – 100 g
Peach juice – 200 g
Butter pastries – 50 .

You can eat everything, but try not to overeat. At week 8, the diet should become habitual.

With this regimen, weight loss occurs correctly, health remains good, hunger and physical fatigue are absent.

Diet of Indian film actresses
3 days kefir 2.5% - liter per day, mineral water without gas.
3 days ripe apples – at least 1 kg per day, green tea without sugar
3 days chicken with boiled vegetables and juices from packages.
3 days wine and cheese (per 100 ml of wine 30 g of cheese).
You can lose weight from 5 to 8 kg.

Hollywood Diet. Personally tested
My initial weight was 67 kg with a height of 170 cm. I went on a diet almost easily, but there were violations; in a couple of weeks I lost weight to 62 kg (i.e. - 5 kg). You may not be impressed by my results, but the fact is that I did not strictly adhere to the diet due to external circumstances. But I want to say what its huge advantage is: no matter what I do, the weight does not return. And the diet somehow psychologically adjusted the body to proper nutrition. It provides a very correct way out of the diet.
So, the diet itself:

Seven steps
Stage one: Liquid only.
Stage two: Liquid and fruit.
Step three: plus raw vegetables.
Stage four: plus boiled vegetables and natural brown rice.
Step five: plus beans, nuts, seeds.
Stage six: plus whole grains and natural yoghurts.
Stage seven: plus fish.

First stage: liquid only (4 days)
Traditionally, detoxification begins with plain water, maybe with a drop of lemon. But you can also drink freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables. Unsweetened green or herbal tea (ginger, fennel, St. John's wort, rowan). Gl