How do you strengthen your immune system?

Immunity is an organismal system that protects us from infections, diseases and other harmful influences. However, environmental factors, stress, fatigue, poor diet and other factors can weaken our immune system and make us more vulnerable to disease.

How to strengthen the immune system and protect yourself from viral and infectious diseases? The President of the Ukrainian Society of Immunologists and Allergists, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Georgiy Nikolaevich Drannik recommends several methods.

Leading a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, outdoor exercise and proper nutrition is the first step to strengthening your immune system. Proper nutrition is especially important, since the intestines are where 70% of the body's immune system is concentrated.

According to Professor Drannik, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats is the key to a healthy diet. In addition, it releases probiotic fermented milk products that contain beneficial live bacteria, such as Actimel.

Actimel is a tasty and healthy food product containing a unique combination of beneficial bacteria, including lactobacilli L. Casei Imunitass at a concentration of 108 CFU/gram. This product helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body from harmful bacteria. Its consumption improves intestinal microflora, strengthens the barrier function of the intestinal walls and helps improve the functioning of the immune system.

Scientific studies conducted in different countries of the world, including Ukraine, have proven the positive effect of Actimel on the defense system of the human body. Millions of consumers in more than 30 countries around the world choose Actimel - feel its effect too!

As you can see, strengthening the immune system is a process that requires an integrated approach and the inclusion of healthy habits in your lifestyle. These include eating right and regularly consuming foods that contain beneficial bacteria, such as Actimel. These simple steps will help strengthen our immune system and protect the body from many diseases and infections.