Diet Lesenka

Diet Lesenka: a simple and effective way to lose weight

There are many diets and weight loss techniques, but not all of them are equally effective and safe for health. The “Lesenka” diet is one of the simplest, most portable and effective weight loss methods. Its very name suggests that it consists of several stages, each of which is limited to one day and solves a specific problem for the body.

The “Lesenka” diet has a relatively varied menu and is designed for 5 days of use, that is, it contains 5 steps: cleansing, restorative, energetic, building and burning. Each day of the proposed menu has its own task and goal, aimed at accelerating the process of losing weight and increasing the overall tone of the body.

The first day of the “Ladder” diet is “Cleansing”. On this day it is recommended to consume only apples and water. Additionally, you can take activated carbon, which helps the body effectively cleanse itself of waste, toxins and other harmful substances. As a result, metabolism, catalysis and fat breakdown are accelerated, preparing for further stages of the diet.

The second day is “Recovery”. On this day it is recommended to consume low-fat kefir and low-fat cottage cheese. The low calorie content of these products forces the body to spend its fat reserves, and the saturation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli helps improve intestinal function. Thus, the metabolism does not deteriorate and the body does not lack nutrients.

The third day is “Energy”. On this day, it is recommended to eat raisins, honey and dried fruit compote with fructose instead of sugar. The task of this day is to speed up the process of losing weight due to an energy surge. Natural sugars will not only give a new impetus to this process, but will also “deceive” the body, saturating it with the necessary amount of glucose.

The fourth day is “Construction”. On this day it is recommended to eat boiled chicken or turkey and greens. The body vitally needs protein from food. Low-fat chicken or turkey fillet can successfully cope with this. In addition, such a dietary product will not disrupt the process of losing weight, but will replenish the body’s reserves with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The fifth day is “Burning”. On this day, it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, such as cabbage, carrots, apples, pears, etc. Fiber helps speed up the metabolic process and improve intestinal motility, which promotes faster removal of toxins and fats from the body.

It is important to note that the “Ladder” diet is quite strict, so it is not recommended to use it for more than 5 days. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor and make sure that it is not contraindicated in your case.

It is also necessary to remember that diet is not the only and most effective way to lose weight. It should be complemented by regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general.