Experts have named the five most harmful diets

Nutritionists who have been observing their patients for several years have compiled a rating of the five most dangerous diets for the human body.

The most dangerous diet for health is considered to be the “pill” diet, which is usually presented in advertising as the most effective means of losing weight, allowing you to lose dozens of extra pounds in a short period of time. Often, thoughtless taking of medications without consulting a doctor leads to major health problems.

The second most harmful place is occupied by the drinking diet, which implies the exclusion of solid food from the diet, since it greatly inhibits the functioning of the intestines and disrupts metabolism.

Experts placed the mono-diet, in which you can consume just one product, in third place in the ranking. It limits the body's ability to obtain nutrients.

A protein diet can also harm the body. A diet that includes only meat and fish disrupts kidney function and metabolism.

Finally, the top five harmful diets is closed by a sweet diet, which includes chocolate and candies in the diet, which must be eaten several times a day in a certain amount, washed down with unsweetened tea or coffee. As a result, too many carbohydrates enter the body, which leads to headaches and disruption of the life cycles of the entire body.
