Angelina Jolie Diet

Have you ever wondered why celebrities are always in great shape? Not everyone is in a hurry to resort to the services of plastic surgeons, as they want to achieve the desired result themselves. To maintain beauty and youth, many Hollywood actresses not only carefully think through their menus, but also resort to various types of physical activity.

This is how the famous “tomb raider” Angelina Jolie came up with her own way of maintaining an elegant and sexy figure. The actress has developed a diet that not only allows you to lose weight, but also reduces hunger. For food lovers, this is one of the main obstacles on the way to a slim figure.

You can only lose weight if you combine this technique with sports. Which one - decide for yourself. Choose what you like. Few Ukrainian women can afford to visit the gym and pool every day. In this case, morning jogging, walking up the stairs or a few minutes of training at home will come in handy.

The diet described below is quite gentle and does not cause stress. Angelina herself managed to lose about 12 kilograms with her help.

Its main rule: as much protein as possible and as little carbohydrates as possible.

The diet consists of four steps:

  1. The consumption of forbidden foods is limited as much as possible. You are actively starting to lose weight.
  2. As weight loss progresses, you gradually begin to introduce forbidden foods into your diet.
  3. More prohibited products are allowed.
  4. Eat whatever you want, but remember, there should still be much more protein than carbohydrates.

This is what Angelina Jolie's sample menu looks like:

Breakfast: 3 egg omelet, 1 tomato. Decaffeinated coffee with cream.
Lunch: steak (no more than 250 grams), salad of mushrooms, onions, cheese and lettuce.
Dinner: fried salmon (300 grams), cabbage with garlic and lemon.

By using similar products in your daily diet and following the principles of the diet, you can easily keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted. There will be no desire to overeat at the festive table or at any buffet table. It will be easy for you to give up those foods that seemed tempting in other diets.

With this technique, it will not be so easy to regain the lost kilograms. The result can be improved by increasing physical activity. At this pace, you will quickly approach your ideal.