Summer snack in the office: what to eat

Monitoring your diet is important, but sometimes difficult. Bustle, problems, work and the speed of time leave no opportunity to lead a healthy and measured lifestyle. However, even if you spend most of the day at work or in the office, you can eat right and keep your body in shape. I WANT to tell you the best options for summer snacks at the workplace.

Summer snacks should be light but healthy. They should saturate the body with a large number of important elements that we need for productive work, energy, well-being, mood and positive emotions. At the same time, it is desirable that they are not difficult to digest, since snacks are meals between breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2-4 hours must pass between these doses, it all depends on the size of the portions.

Snack foods can be simple and unpretentious, preferably convenient so that you can pick them up with your hands and not be distracted for more than a few minutes or even seconds. In summer it can be fruits and vegetables, nuts and berries. Raspberries are isolated from berries. It contains useful substances that will help avoid headaches and strengthen the immune system.

Recommended fruits include apples, pears, peaches and apricots. They improve metabolism and saturate the body with vitamins. You also can’t do without vegetables, so stock up on tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and carrots. It is highly recommended to chew the latter as often as possible at the workplace. Carrots are good for maintaining vision.

Bread is not a hindrance to your figure. Eat healthy bread with cheese, sausage or vegetables. It’s good to add red fish to snacks, especially lightly salted salmon, salmon, and trout. They are rich in healthy fatty acids.

The best nut to choose is almonds. It tones and gives strength. Also snack on boiled eggs, vegetable or fruit salads. Diversify your day with fermented milk products, preferably natural yoghurts and kefir.

By following a proper diet and eating light but healthy snacks, you will maintain your figure and health. The main thing is a sense of proportion and listening to the needs of your body.