How to choose red caviar without opening the jars

It’s quite an unpleasant situation when you open a jar of red caviar to the table, and inside there is a sticky, unappetizing mass. This indicates poor quality of the source material, that frozen caviar was salted or the finished canned food was stored incorrectly. We will help you choose good caviar without opening the jar.

Carefully inspect the outside of the jar. Take only straight cans, without dents. The date of production and expiration date of the caviar must be indicated on the lid. The production date must be embossed on the inside or lasered on. A date pressed inside the lid may indicate a fake. Also remember that a real laser will not come off if you rub it properly. Canned food produced in November or December most likely contains frozen caviar; It’s better not to take such banks. Choose a jar produced in the spring or summer, shake it and make sure nothing is bubbling inside.

It is preferable to buy Russian-made caviar - it is salted and preserved fresh, right on fishing boats. It is better to choose a product manufactured in accordance with GOST rather than DSTU. Choose caviar without preservatives or with E200 and E211. Avoid cans with E239 - this is a prohibited preservative, methenamine, which has a carcinogenic effect.

By following these simple tips, you will definitely choose tasty and healthy red caviar without even opening the jar!