E 211 + E 220 = ... MEAT!?

E 211, E 220, E 102, E 107... Food additives that are already familiar to everyone and, at the same time, hidden under alphanumeric masks are included in almost all food products today. And if we, consumers, believe the manufacturer, who assures us that all these chemicals are supposedly safe for our health, then this only indicates our illiteracy...

As it turned out, you can hang more than one portion of noodles on the ears of a Russian person. The truth is simple and clear: “chemistry,” by definition, simply cannot be safe!


Once upon a time, many years ago, people dreamed of the idea of ​​​​creating gold from nothing, and some of them did not just dream, but believed that sooner or later their dreams of untold wealth would come true. But time passed, and the era of the gold rush sank into history.