Scientists have determined how much water you should drink per day

Water consumption is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Water plays an important role in regulating body temperature, eliminating toxins and waste, and ensuring the proper functioning of organs and tissues. But, as we already mentioned, you should not overuse water, as this can lead to negative health consequences.

Recommendations for the amount of water consumed during the day have been around for a long time, and many people try to follow them. However, as research from Harvard University has shown, these recommendations may be somewhat overestimated.

University specialists conducted a study that involved healthy adults who did not engage in sports. Study participants were divided into two groups: one group drank 2 liters of water per day, and the other group drank 3 liters of water per day. The study found that water did not have a significant effect on the overall well-being and hydration level of study participants.

Additionally, it has been observed that excessive water consumption can cause sodium deficiency in the body, which can lead to serious health problems including headache, nausea and even death.

It should be noted that water consumption needs may vary depending on gender, age, lifestyle and other factors. For example, people who exercise may need more water to compensate for fluid losses during exercise.

Thus, scientists recommend consuming an average of 0.8 to 1.5 liters of water per day, depending on the physiological needs of the body. However, as with everything, it is important to listen to your body and needs, and drink enough water, but not excess.