Invented an electronic diet pill

In recent years, the problem of overweight and obesity has become one of the most pressing and widespread in the world. Many people are looking for ways to lose weight without having to resort to strict diets or surgery. And now, Israeli scientists from MelCap Systems are presenting a revolutionary solution - an electronic tablet that can help in the fight against excess weight.

This innovative technology, called a “diet pill,” is a small pill that you swallow. When the tablet enters the body, it is activated and begins to perform its function. Inside the stomach, it opens, releasing a microscopic mesh. This mesh prevents the tablet from leaving the stomach, ensuring its constant presence inside this organ.

To interact with the tablet from the outside, a powerful magnetic patch is attached to the skin. This patch acts on the pill, helping it take a certain position inside the stomach, near the vagus nerve.

The operation of the electronic tablet is based on a principle similar to the work of the stomach muscles. When a person eats even a small amount of food, the stomach muscles begin to contract. The electronic tablet reacts to these movements and recognizes the arrival of food. The vagus nerve then stops sending signals to the brain about the feeling of appetite, which allows the body to realize that it is full.

A special mobile application has been developed to control and manage this new device. Smartphone users will be able to easily monitor the tablet’s performance, receive information about the food they consume, and analyze their results.
