Scientists have compiled a list of dangerous vegetables and fruits

The benefits of vegetables and fruits can easily be outweighed by the harm from the chemicals they contain. If the rules for protecting and feeding plants are violated, in addition to beneficial microelements, vegetables and fruits accumulate pesticides.

Of the herbal products tested by experts, 68% contained harmful substances that can lead to disruptions in the endocrine and nervous systems, as well as to a general slowdown in development in children. Moreover, when washing and even peeling vegetables, it is not possible to completely get rid of pesticides.

The most dangerous were sweet peppers, celery, grapes and apples. Also, pears and legumes, which are often used in the preparation of baby food, tend to accumulate harmful substances. Experts considered only potatoes to be relatively safe.

To feed babies, it is recommended to pre-soak all fruits and vegetables in boiled water for half an hour to an hour. And you shouldn’t disdain food safety rules for yourself. It is advisable to remove the skin from purchased cucumbers, not sparing to cut out the tails of the tomatoes and not to nibble too much on the apples (in cucumbers, harmful substances accumulate in the skin, in tomatoes - around the stalk, and in apples - in the head). The main rule is to look for trusted sources for purchasing vegetables and fruits, and even better, to grow garden crops yourself.