Rule 50 x 50 for a slim figure

Most diets do not take into account an important principle - a healthy diet should be balanced.

Fashionistas are sure that in order to be slim, you need to give up your favorite foods, buy bathroom scales and, if possible, avoid meeting with friends who deliciously eat depression with cakes and chocolate. Is it possible to do without victims?

In pursuit of beauty, people find themselves in a vicious circle. Traditional nutrition can cause obesity, and diets can cause depression, moral and physical exhaustion. For example, avoiding bread can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B1 and iron, with all the ensuing health consequences. Is there a way out? Is it possible to maintain a slim figure and stay as healthy as possible at the same time? Let's try to come to a solution in a simple logical way.

Statistics on average life expectancy in developed countries suggest that Ukrainians live 12 years less than Europeans and 8 years less than Poles. What are we doing wrong? It turns out that we have some, but very significant differences in food culture.


Could fresh vegetable salad be the most important reason why Europeans get sick less and live longer? In my opinion, it can! Vitamins and microelements in vegetables are present in their freshest natural form. They are absorbed much better than tablet vitamins. In addition, fresh vegetables are almost the only source of fiber, which helps us cleanse ourselves of waste and toxins.

And now about the main thing: salads from fresh vegetables not only help maintain health, but also promote weight loss. Vegetables are low in calories, but they also fill useful space in the stomach that might otherwise be occupied by higher-calorie, less-healthy foods.


Vegetables and fruits are certainly healthy, but provided that they are fresh, do not contain nitrates, pesticides and are not treated with any chemicals. Large supermarket chains have a system for monitoring the safety of vegetables on sale.


Petr Karpenko, MD, PhD, Head. Department of Dietetics and Clinical Research of Medical and Prophylactic Products of the Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology named after. L. I. Medvedya

Fresh vegetables “only from the garden” are the most useful. And today there are examples of such products even in big cities!


When visiting McDonald's restaurants, be sure to order a vegetable salad. Vegetables at McDonald's comply 100% with Ukrainian and international quality standards. McDonald's assortment includes 2 types of salads: “Vegetable salad” and “Seasonal salad.” Price from 13 UAH. 50 kopecks up to 15 UAH