Sandora Vegetable cocktail - how to make something healthy tasty

In autumn and winter, we all remember summer - full of sun, bright colors and juicy fruits. In the summer we get a boost of energy, but how to maintain it until spring? Many people take vitamins, but there is another way - juices from vegetables and fruits.

While fruit juices have a strong presence in our diets due to their variety of flavors, vegetable juices are poised to gain the recognition they deserve from consumers. They do not contain sugar, are refreshing and satisfy light hunger well. Someone may think that vegetable juices are less tasty than fruit juices, but it’s worth trying the “Vegetable Cocktail” series of juices from the Sandora TM - and this misconception will be dispelled. Specialists of TM “Sandora” used all their experience to create delicious cocktails from high-quality Ukrainian vegetables from their own processing - without adding sugar, artificial additives, dyes, flavors and GMOs.

The “Vegetable Cocktail” series includes four original flavors – carrot-apple, tomato “Spicy” with chili, pumpkin-apple and tomato-beetroot. Such variety gives a choice to lovers of different tastes.

Carrot-apple juice is an amazing cocktail made from a vegetable, which back in Ancient Rome was considered a delicacy for the elite, and the most beloved fruit in our latitudes. The combination of carrot sweetness and apple sourness creates a surprisingly tasty juice cocktail. And don’t forget that carrots and apples are very healthy, which means that a carrot-apple cocktail is a real bouquet of benefits and taste.

Pumpkin-apple juice is another sunny cocktail that lifts your spirits! The thick, slightly unusual pumpkin juice makes this mix very tender and delicate, a real delicacy. However, drinking pumpkin-apple juice is worth drinking not only because of its original fresh taste, but also for the benefits of these wonderful fruits.

Tomato juice itself is an original drink, because Ukraine is one of the few countries where it is so popular. Now you can choose different options for vegetable cocktails based on tomato juice and enjoy fresh flavors. “Spicy” tomato juice is a variation of tomato juice, especially spicy, with the addition of chili pepper, which gives it a piquant and slight heat. This cocktail is perfect for those who like a little burnt flavor.

Tomato-beet juice is an interesting combination of two vegetables that complement each other perfectly. The tomato gives the juice a rich taste, and the beets add tenderness and a slightly sweet note. This cocktail is an excellent source of vitamins and microelements.

All cocktails from the “Vegetable Cocktail” series from TM “Sandora” are of high quality and retain all the beneficial properties of vegetables. They can be a great alternative to fruit juices and an option for those looking to add variety to their diet and get more health benefits.

Besides taste, vegetable juices have a number of benefits. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are beneficial for the immune system, digestion, vision and overall health. Vegetable juices also help hydrate the body and keep it hydrated.

If you want to make your vegetable juices even healthier, you can add some ingredients to them, such as fresh herbs, ginger, lemon juice or spices. This will give them additional taste and nutritional effect.

Of course, it is important to remember that every body is different, and it is always recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist before making dietary changes. They will be able to give you recommendations based on your individual needs and health characteristics.

So don't be afraid to experiment with vegetable juices and enjoy their taste and health benefits. The “Vegetable Cocktail” series from TM “Sandora” can be an excellent choice for those who are looking for tasty and healthy drinks.