Blood type diet: how to eat properly

In recent years, the blood type diet has gained great popularity. Its supporters claim that proper nutrition based on blood type helps not only to lose weight, but also improve overall health. In this article we will look at the basic principles of the blood type diet and recommendations for creating a diet for each blood type.

The idea of ​​the blood type diet is based on the fact that different blood types have different nutritional needs and different tolerances to certain foods. According to supporters of this diet, some foods can cause intolerance in a person, which can lead to various diseases and metabolic disorders. Therefore, following certain nutritional rules, taking into account your blood type, can help improve health and weight loss.

Blood type 0

People with blood type O, also known as blood type O, are considered the most ancient and adapted to a meat-based diet. According to research, people with this blood type have a strong immune system and digest protein foods well. Therefore, the basis of the diet for people with blood type 0 should be meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Cereals and bread should be excluded from the diet, as they can slow down metabolism. The only porridge allowed for consumption is buckwheat. You should also completely exclude wheat products and marinades from your diet.

Blood type A

People with blood type A, according to diet proponents, best tolerate plant-based foods and organic foods. Therefore, the basis of the diet for people with blood type A should be vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes.

Meat should be excluded from the diet, as it can cause intolerance and slow down metabolism. You should also limit your intake of dairy products and wheat. Completely exclude sea fish, seafood, black tea and orange juice from your diet.

Blood type B

People with blood type B, according to proponents of the diet, can consume both plant and animal products. However, you should limit your consumption of chicken meat and completely eliminate seafood and tomato juice.

Healthy foods for people with blood type B include vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy products, eggs, fish and meat. You can also drink green tea and coffee.

Blood type AB

People with type AB blood, according to proponents of the diet, have mixed nutritional needs and can consume both plant and animal foods. However, you should limit your consumption of chicken, beef and pork. It is also not recommended to consume seafood and dairy products.

Healthy foods for people with blood type AB include vegetables, fruits, grains, eggs, fish and meat. You can also drink green tea and coffee.

It is important to note that the blood type diet has no scientific basis and is not a widely accepted nutritional practice. In addition, it can be ineffective and even harmful to health if the diet is incorrect or insufficient. Therefore, before deciding to follow the blood type diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist.