Red and black pleasure

The main myth of red caviar is that it is the same traditional Russian caviar as black caviar, but simpler, like its “younger sister.” In fact, red caviar appeared in the European part of Russia quite late, only in the middle of the 17th century - with the advent of roads connecting distant regions of the country (Siberia and the Far East) with the capital.

Merchants were able to bring the first batches of red caviar to the then capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg. But the new product did not cause any excitement; moreover, everyone remained completely indifferent to it. The unfortunate traders, in order not to go bankrupt, sold it to the poorest taverns - for cab drivers. But even there, sandwiches with red caviar were not in demand. However, in the Far East, red caviar has always been loved and appreciated. Its relatively low price at present is due solely to poor advertising in the West and America and its large production volumes. Unlike black caviar, red caviar is only granular. We consider the best and highest quality chum salmon caviar, which is rightfully considered apricot pearls - the eggs are bright orange, with a slightly red tint and quite large - up to 7 mm in diameter.

Pink salmon caviar is piquant, smaller and simpler; it is the most common and familiar (light orange eggs, 3-4 mm). Sockeye salmon caviar is slightly bitter, in Russia it is valued less (dark red eggs - 3-4 mm). However, in Europe it is famous for its unique taste, here they are starting to get acquainted with red caviar, and they prefer sockeye salmon caviar. Nowadays, trout caviar is increasingly appearing on the market - it is small, pink-red. Salmon caviar is prepared from raw caviar of salmon fish: chum salmon, pink salmon, masu salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, trout. Different salmon eggs have different sizes and colors. The diameter of the eggs of pink salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and masu salmon is 3...4 mm, and the diameter of the eggs of chum salmon and chinook salmon is 5...7 mm. The yolk mass of eggs has numerous small fatty inclusions in the form of droplets containing coloring carotenoid substances (lipochromes), which give the eggs different colors. Sockeye salmon eggs have the brightest red-orange color, chum salmon eggs have a pale red color with an orange tint, and pink salmon eggs have a pink-orange color. Pink salmon and chum salmon eggs are considered the best, having a pleasant taste and an orange color with a shine. The caviar of other salmon has a redder color and an increased bitter taste. Salmon caviar is divided according to processing into granular and roach, and according to packaging - into barrel and jar.

The preparation of caviar consists of several operations. The yastyki are sorted, washed and punched through a screen (butara). Then the caviar is salted in a boiled solution of table salt with a specific gravity of 1.2 and a temperature not higher than 13...15C. Then the brine is allowed to drain and a preservative is added. Based on quality, salmon caviar is divided into two grades. 1st grade of caviar - chum salmon, pink salmon, masu salmon - is characterized by the following characteristics: caviar of the same breed of fish, uniform color, strong, grains separated from each other, pleasant aroma and taste without foreign flavors, lightly salted (salt 4-6%), no sediment and bursting eggs. For sockeye salmon and coho salmon caviar, color inhomogeneity is allowed. For caviar, 2 grades are allowed: weak grain, unequal in size and color, increased salinity (salt up to 5%), the presence of burst eggs.

As for black caviar, at all times it was the very first delicacy on the table. There is no more expensive and desirable food product in the world than black caviar. Prices for caviar on the world market over the last 3 years alone have increased from 250 dollars per kg to 450. Moreover, the demand for caviar in the world is about 400 tons per year, and exporting countries supply only a little more than 200. This increases the price caviar and makes it unusually yellow