How Malysheva’s diet will help you lose excess weight forever

Malysheva’s diet is not just a diet, but a holistic system that helps people lose excess weight forever. Elena Malysheva is a famous nutritionist who developed this system and has helped more than one thousand women achieve the desired result. In this article we will look at what principles underlie the Malysheva diet and how it can help you lose excess weight.

Principles of the Malysheva diet

The first and main rule of Malysheva’s diet is the absence of hunger. Many people think that to lose weight you just need to shut your mouth and not eat. However, this approach to nutrition not only will not help you lose weight, but can also be harmful to your health. When the body experiences stress in the form of starvation, the liver begins to produce special fat that destroys its cells. Therefore, to lose weight you need to eat regularly and not feel hungry.

According to Dr. Malysheva, you need to eat 5 times a day, eating small portions. One serving should not exceed 200 grams. It is ideal if you eat every 3 hours. It is recommended to eat a small apple 15 minutes before meals to fill your stomach a little and avoid overeating. If you don't like apples, you can replace them with a glass of water.

To determine what foods to include in your diet during a diet, you need to calculate how many calories your body requires based on your specific lifestyle. Each person is individual and has his own characteristics: some take the subway and walk, others get from work only by car. Some people like to walk, while others spend their free time in front of the TV. All this needs to be taken into account. Malysheva herself says that on average the female body needs 1,200 calories per day. However, if you engage in any physical activity, this rate needs to be increased.

What can you eat

The diet on Malysheva’s diet is quite varied. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of animal and vegetable fats, salt, sugar, flour, potatoes, rice, carrots and completely abstain from alcohol. If you really want mashed potatoes or rice, it is important not to mix them with fatty meat and dairy products. The rest of the products can be eaten, but it is better to boil or bake them.

You should not replace sugar with sweetener, as they may contain artificial additives and are not always a healthy alternative to regular sugar. It is better to limit your consumption of sweets and replace them with fruits, berries or dried fruits.

As for proteins, they must be present in the diet. Animal proteins can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Plant proteins are found in nuts, legumes, and grains. Don’t forget about vegetables and fruits, which are a source of vitamins and minerals.

What results can you expect?

One of the main advantages of Malysheva’s diet is that it helps not only lose weight, but also improve health. Proper nutrition can strengthen the immune system, increase performance, and avoid problems with skin and hair.

If you adhere to all the principles of Malysheva’s diet, you can expect to lose 1-2 kg per week. However, it is important to remember that every body is different and results may vary depending on many factors.

In conclusion, we can say that Malysheva’s diet is not a quick way to lose weight, but a holistic system that helps you change your lifestyle and gain health and beauty for many years. The main thing is to be patient and consistent, and the result will not be long in coming.