Who shouldn't eat lemon?

Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits, which is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. It is rich in vitamin C and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. However, not all people are recommended to consume lemon.

First of all, lemon is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon juice contains acid, which can increase the symptoms of ulcers, gastritis and other stomach and intestinal diseases. In case of peptic ulcer or gastritis, lemon should be completely excluded from the diet, especially during an exacerbation.

In addition, drinking lemon is not recommended for complex inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity. Lemon juice can cause irritation, pain and even bleeding, making the healing process more difficult.

Also, lemon is contraindicated for pancreatitis. Although lemon effectively cleanses the liver, in case of pancreatitis it can worsen the patient's condition. People with hypertension should also be careful with lemon as it is recommended by doctors to increase blood pressure.

Despite these limitations, lemon has many beneficial properties. It strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and helps fight anemia and cancer. Lemon zest is a powerful antibacterial agent and can be used to treat inflammation in the throat and respiratory system.

It is best to use lemon as a preventive measure, especially before the onset of a seasonal epidemic. Lemon should be added to the finished tea when it has cooled slightly to preserve the beneficial properties of the citrus. Lemon slices with sugar can also have health benefits.

Thus, lemon has many beneficial properties, but it is not recommended for all people. In the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, complex inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity, pancreatitis and hypertension, lemon should be excluded from the diet. Otherwise, lemon can be consumed in reasonable quantities to obtain maximum health benefits.