How easy is it to get poisoned?

You can get poisoned even with the most harmless products. It could even be: greens, tomatoes or crab sticks. Have you given up ready-made sandwiches, chips and soda and are now sure that your health is safe? Don't let your guard down! The healthiest food on your table can be dangerous for your stomach.

Scientists have compiled a rating of products that are leaders in the number of cases of poisoning over the past 20 years:

  1. Sausages and sausages. They contain a lot of hidden fats, which at best will add “bad” cholesterol to you. High-quality sausage cannot cost less than a kilogram of meat - after all, this is what, in theory, it should be made from. In most sausages, meat is replaced with soy, starch, lard, fat, skin, plus an additive with code “E”.

  2. Olives. Black olives sold here are most often green, colored with iron gluconate. The real ones contain a third more fatty acids and are 2.5 times more nutritious. Excessive passion for colored olives will only lead to an excess of iron in the body.

  3. Potato. Potatoes are more willing to absorb pathogenic microbes than other foods. Especially in dishes with a large number of ingredients (Olivier, Mimosa salads, etc.). The most common ones found in them are salmonella and E. coli, as well as dysentery pathogens.

  4. Cheese. May contain pathogenic bacteria, especially if the cheese is made from unpasteurized milk at home. Cheeses at particular risk are feta, brie and camembert.

  5. Ice cream. Containers for storing ice cream sold by weight are rarely washed thoroughly. Therefore, salmonella, staphylococcus, and listeria love to multiply in them.

  6. Smoked meats. They contain a lot of carcinogens. In addition, these products are often processed not with wood, but with artificial “liquid smoke” - this process is much cheaper than real smoking. And they season it with taste improvers and preservatives.

  7. Eggs. Salmonella lives in the chicken esophagus and enters the human body through insufficient processing of dishes made from eggs (nog, soft-boiled eggs). Many people think that village eggs are above suspicion. But if eggs at enterprises undergo veterinary control, then “grandmothers” do not spend money on this.

  8. Crab sticks. They are not made from crab meat at all, but from minced fish (a source of bacteria), which contains very little fish. Mainly water, starch, salt, sugar. Plus flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and stabilizers.

  9. Tomatoes. Among vegetables, they are the ones most often poisoned. Bacteria penetrate through the damaged skin of tomatoes, and from there into your body. Tomatoes are especially “rich” in salmonella and noroviruses - in 90% of all cases they become the cause of non-bacterial epidemics of gastrointestinal diseases.

  10. Greens are the absolute leader in the number of poisonings. The reason is bacteria and viruses from the soil that persist on plants. In addition, greens actively absorb harmful substances from the soil and preserve them in leaves and stems.