Diet as a norm of life?

Diet is a word that we see every day in newspapers, on the TV screen, on advertising posters in pharmacies and stores. Manufacturers' promises are always rosy. But how to lose weight without harm to your health? And is there a vital need for losing weight?

Diet is primarily a method of treating obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The term “diet” was created in application to the general complex treatment of diseases. And only later, when women, in connection with increasingly naked fashion, became concerned about the problem of excess weight and cellulite, “diet” began to be understood as a process leading to weight loss.

By the way, just 100 years ago the standard of beauty was a very plump woman. The diet was different: sleep more, eat more to get round shapes. The dresses were sewn with linings and frills that were hemmed inside! It's funny to read now. It’s a rare modern woman who, looking at slender models, feels self-sufficient.

We can talk endlessly about the origins of the fashion for thinness, but this will not lead to weight loss, so let’s better understand the whole variety of diets!

Norm-calorie (rational) balanced diets. These are diets with a normal charge of energy, containing the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Low-calorie balanced diets. These are low-energy diets, the composition of which maintains the proportions and minimum amount of essential nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.

Low-calorie unbalanced diets - with minimal energy content, without taking into account the normal proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Selective (one-sided) diets - with a moderate reduction in total calories and a distinct limitation or predominance of one of the nutrients, and therefore the amount of other components also differs significantly from the norms and proportions required by the body.

Artificial diets that use a variety of industrially prepared concentrates and food substitutes.

Naturopathic diets are based on the consumption of only natural and natural products, with minimal industrial and culinary processing, without special consideration of the total caloric content and balance of the diet (vegetarianism, separate meals, raw food diet).

Contrast diets are low-calorie diets prescribed 1-2 times a week, i.e. suggesting fasting days.

If you decide to try any of the diets, we must not forget that the cause of normal obesity is most often a sedentary and lethargic lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and poor nutrition. Now we are talking only about primary completeness, i.e. about the one that arises precisely as a result of an incorrect lifestyle. Obesity as a disease (or as a consequence of some disease) cannot be cured by diet alone - in this case, a thorough examination and treatment under the supervision of a doctor is necessary.

Most people who are constantly losing weight develop a persistent deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If it is not compensated, it will increase due to a decrease in the variety and calorie content of food, especially with unbalanced diets, their long-term and uncontrolled use. With sudden weight loss, the body changes its usual metabolism, experiences internal stress, and the calorie content of food and its composition changes.

People who get rid of excess weight on their own usually develop various complications, and then go to the doctor, only in a more serious condition.

Eating in order to live!

Modern man is deprived of proper nutrition - not only in terms of the rhythm and volume of food consumption, but also in terms of the quality of the food products themselves. Necessary biologically active substances, vitamins and microelements do not enter the body, because our food contains a lot of canned foods that have undergone all kinds of processing.

Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining and maintaining health