Diet No. 7A, Chair No. 7A

Diet No. 7A, table No. 7A


  1. acute nephritis in severe form after fasting days and moderate severity from the first days of illness;
  2. chronic nephritis with severe renal failure.

Purpose of diet No. 7A:
Maximum sparing of kidney function, improved excretion of metabolic products from the body, reduction of hypertension and edema.

General characteristics of diet No. 7A:
predominantly plant-based diet with a sharp restriction of proteins, with the exception of sodium chloride. The amount of fats and carbohydrates is moderately reduced. Avoid products rich in extractives, essential oils, and oxalic acid. Culinary processing without mechanical sparing: boiling, baking, light frying. Food is prepared without salt, bread is salt-free. The amount of liquid should correspond to or no more than 300-400 ml exceed the amount of urine of the patient over the previous day.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dietary table No. 7A:

  1. carbohydrates - 350 g (80 g sugar)
  2. proteins - 20 g (50-60% animals, and in case of chronic kidney failure - 70-75%),
  3. fats - 80 g (15% vegetable)
  4. 8.8-9.2 MJ (2100-2200 kcal)
  5. sodium chloride is excluded
  6. free liquid - 1.5-2 l or more

Diet No. 7A: 5-6 times a day

Recommended and excluded foods and dishes:

Bread and flour products
Recommended: Protein-free salt-free bread with corn starch - 100 g, in its absence 50 g of wheat salt-free bread or other flour products baked with yeast without salt.
Excluded: regular bread, flour products with added salt.

Recommended: Taking into account the permitted liquid - with sago, vegetables, potatoes, fruits. Season with boiled sautéed onions, sour cream, and herbs.
Excluded: meat, fish, mushroom broths, dairy, cereals (except sago) and legumes.

Meat, poultry, fish
Recommended: Up to 50-60 g gross lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey, fish. After boiling, you can bake or lightly fry, in pieces or chopped.
Excluded: all meat and fish products (sausages, canned food, etc.).

Recommended: 60 g (or more due to meat and fish) milk, cream, sour cream. Cottage cheese - with the exception of meat and fish.
Excluded: cheese.

Recommended: In dishes - 1/4-1/2 eggs per day or 2-3 per week (soft-boiled, omelet).

Recommended: Sago, limited - rice, protein-free pasta. With water and milk in the form of porridges, puddings, casseroles, pilaf, cutlets.
Excluded: other cereals and pasta, legumes.

Recommended: Potatoes and fresh vegetables (200-250 g and 400-450 g gross, respectively) in the form of various dishes. Boiled and fried onions - in dishes. Dill, parsley.
Excluded: salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, legumes, spinach, sorrel, cauliflower, mushrooms, radishes, garlic.

Recommended: Vegetable salads and vinaigrettes with vegetable oil.

Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets
Recommended: Various fruits and berries. Raw, dried, baked. Kissels, compotes and jellies. Sugar, honey, jam, non-chocolate sweets.
Excluded: chocolate, milk jelly, ice cream.

Sauces and spices
Recommended: To “camouflage” salt-free diets: sweet and sour sauces, tomato, sour cream, vegetable and fruit sauces, vanillin, cinnamon, citric acid. Boiled, fried onions.
Excluded: meat, fish, mushroom sauces; mustard, pepper, horseradish.

Recommended: Weak tea with lemon, fruit and berry juices, tomato tea, rose hip decoction.
Excluded: cocoa, natural coffee, mineral waters rich in sodium.

Recommended: Unsalted butter, cow's ghee, vegetable oils.
Excluded: other fats.

Sample diet menu No. 7A: