How do pistachios affect a woman’s appearance?

From time immemorial, representatives of the fair half of humanity have paid great attention to their appearance. Many thousands of years ago, in Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece, ladies were already using various cosmetics, despite the fact that many of them contained toxic substances and caused irreparable harm to health. Probably, remembering these unsuccessful experiences, we love the saying “Beauty requires sacrifice.” But in modern realities, beauty does not require sacrifice, but a competent approach to nutrition.

Today, even very young girls know that appearance is a reflection of the state of the whole organism. Antioxidants are largely responsible for the preservation and prolongation of youth - “natural preservatives”, substances that prevent free radicals from destroying cell walls and promote their growth and timely renewal. Phenolic compounds, which are especially abundant in pistachios, have such biological activity - which is why they are often called rejuvenating nuts. It is not for nothing that pistachio in the East has been called the tree of life for two and a half thousand years and is considered a symbol of wealth. Indeed, what could be more valuable than youth and beauty?

Pistachios contain large quantities of lutein, beta-carotene and gamma-tocopherol - substances essential for the female body. It is thanks to them that the condition of the skin is normalized, the hair gains strength and shine, and the nails become stronger. Official science confirms that regular pistachio breakfast turns an ordinary woman into a cover girl. But that's not all!

Proteins, fats (and there are more than 50% of them in pistachios!) and dietary fiber are balanced in such a way that even a small portion of nuts - for example, one package of Macho pistachios - not only causes a feeling of fullness, but satisfies hunger for a long time, has a tonic effect and can serve as a complete first or second breakfast. Therefore, pistachios can become not only a component of any diet, but also a medicine against chronic fatigue.

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