How to eat according to the time of day

Eating right according to the time of day can have a significant impact on your health and mood. Eating regularly not only provides the body with essential nutrients, but also helps maintain normal blood glucose levels, which in turn reduces hunger and maintains high performance. In this article we will look at how to eat properly depending on the time of day.

6 - 9 hours. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped. At this time, the body needs energy to start the day on a high note. Breakfast should consist of protein rich foods such as eggs, chicken, yogurt, etc. If you prefer something sweet for breakfast, it is best to choose fresh fruit or oatmeal without sugar or oil.

10:30 am. If you feel hungry at this time, you can snack on a small amount of yogurt or other protein food. If you don't feel hungry, you can skip this meal.

12 – 14 hours. Lunch should consist of a protein food, such as poultry or fish, and a carbohydrate food in the form of a vegetable salad. You can add some healthy fats in the form of nuts or olive oil.

16:30. At this time, you can snack on fresh fruits, stewed or fresh vegetables, as well as dried fruits. This will help maintain your blood glucose levels until dinner.

17 – 20 hours. Dinner should consist of boiled protein food and vegetable salad, and contain almost no fat. It is best to have dinner before 18:00, but if you go to bed later, you can have a snack before 20:00. If you want to have a snack after 20:00, you can eat a small amount of protein food or vegetables.

21:00 pm - 6:00 am. This time is called the red zone. If you feel hungry during this period of time, then most likely it is not due to real hunger, but is an emotional reaction to stress or fatigue. To avoid overeating during this period of time, you can drink a teaspoon of olive oil or walnut oil or any other cold-pressed oil. This will help reduce hunger.

What nutritional habits should you have depending on your size? If you have an apple, pear or balloon body shape and you are trying to lose weight, then you should not eat after 21:00 and eat a lot of carbohydrates. It's best to limit your fat intake and snack on protein or vegetables. If your figure resembles a “stick” and you are trying to gain weight, then you can have a snack even after 21:00, but it is best to eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that proper nutrition is not only the distribution of meals by time of day, but also the choice of quality products. It is best to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, protein foods, nuts, healthy fats and limit your intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates. Also remember to drink water regularly to keep your body hydrated.

In conclusion, eating right according to the time of day is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Eating regularly, taking into account the time of day, helps maintain normal blood glucose levels, improve performance and provide the body with essential nutrients. Don't forget to limit your consumption of unhealthy foods and drink water regularly.