Scientists have discovered how to lose weight without exercise

The fight against excess weight is one of the most pressing problems in our society. Despite many diets and exercises to lose weight, many people find it difficult to achieve the desired results. However, British scientists recently managed to develop a molecule that can help in the fight against excess weight without the need for training.

The new molecule, called Compound 14, was created by scientists at the University of Southampton. This molecule mimics the effects of exercise on the body, allowing it to burn fat without exercise. Scientists say the new development could lead to new treatments for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The principle of the molecule is that it “deceives” the body’s cells into thinking that the energy has run out. In response, cells begin to produce more energy, which increases glucose consumption. This leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels and active fat burning.

In experiments conducted by scientists, it was found that as a result of using the Compound 14 molecule, blood glucose levels decrease, which leads to weight loss.

Thus, the new development of British scientists could become a real breakthrough in the fight against excess weight and obesity. However, despite this, we should not forget about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, which also play an important role in maintaining health and fitness.