How and what is the right way to “eat” depression?

Depression is a serious mental illness that can lead to low mood, loss of interest in life, as well as low energy and fatigue. Food can be one way to combat depression, but only if it is chosen correctly. In this article we will look at how to properly “eat” depression so as not to harm your health.

If you overeat due to various emotions, then you will not see a slim figure. With the help of food, you satisfy not only natural hunger, but also solve the problem on a psychological level. A happy person eats fruits, nuts, light meals, and when he is sad - pizza, fried meat, cakes, ice cream, sweets. If you need food only to create a good mood, then you have emotional hunger. How to identify and recognize this type of hunger and overcome a bad habit?

The first step in dealing with emotional hunger is to distinguish it from natural hunger. Nutritionists point out several differences between them:

  1. Natural hunger grows gradually, but emotional hunger arises sharply and suddenly.

  2. Under the influence of physiological hunger, a person is not picky in choosing dishes, but with emotional hunger, he craves certain foods (cakes, pizza) and does not need replacement.

  3. Physical hunger can usually wait, but emotional hunger cannot; it must be satisfied urgently.

  4. When you are emotionally hungry, you continue to eat even when you feel full.

Some products are associated with overcoming unpleasant emotions, and you buy them to overcome depression. Therefore, the desire to eat a certain dish or product is the main sign of emotional hunger.

The list of “best-selling” foods for emotional overeating may include ice cream, cake, chocolate (for women) and pizza, meat (for men).

However, eating depression can lead to addiction to certain foods that provide a short-term mood-lifting effect. This addiction can lead to weight gain and poor health, so it is important to learn how to manage your emotions.

The following tips will help you cope with emotional hunger and fight depression:

  1. If you ate 1-2 hours ago and feel hungry again, try to understand how much of this hunger is real or emotional. If it's emotional hunger, try to relax, move away from problems and do something nice for yourself. You can drink a glass of water or tea, take a walk in the fresh air, read a book or listen to your favorite music.

  2. Try replacing the foods you no longer need with healthier alternatives. For example, if you want ice cream, try replacing it with fruit or yogurt ice cream, and if you're craving something sweet, try snacking on fruit or nuts.

  3. Establish a proper diet, including nutritious breakfasts, lunches and dinners. This way, you will receive enough nutrients and energy to maintain your health and vitality throughout the day.

  4. Try playing sports or exercising. Physical activity helps release endorphins, the feel-good hormones that improve your mood and help fight depression.

  5. Seek help from a professional if you are having problems with emotional hunger or depression. A psychologist or psychotherapist can help you understand your emotions and learn how to manage them in a way that does not harm your health.

As a reminder, healthy eating and physical activity are important components of staying healthy and fighting depression. However, if you are faced with problems of emotional hunger or depression, remember that it is important to seek help from a specialist who can help you understand your emotions and learn to manage them in a way that does not harm your health.