How to distinguish real honey from fake

It's autumn - it's time to catch a cold. Moreover, they say that as many as three strains of influenza are approaching Ukraine. In order to somehow resist the “snotty” weather, you need to buy good honey, preferably natural.

It is worth noting that the price of honey varies everywhere from 50 to 100 hryvnia per liter, but the cost does not always correspond to the quality.

Ukraine is one of the ten largest honey producers in the world. Ukraine accounts for 5% of world honey production. According to the UAC, since 2008 Ukraine has ranked first in honey production among European countries, and fourth after such world leaders as China, Turkey and Argentina. The lion's share, or rather about 90% of all honey is produced in home apiaries. And it is this honey that is sold to us at markets, fairs, and roadsides.

How to choose good honey so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy? How to distinguish a fake from the real one?

Beekeeper tips:

"Real honey lasts a long time, you can wrap it around a spoon like a thread. If it falls on a plate and does not spread, but forms a slide and lies in folds, it means sugar has been added. And the second thing is taste. Real honey will not just be sweet, it is tart , bitter due to enzymes."

A good sign is a loose surface, like white foam. White spots are visible in crystallized honey - these are air bubbles. This means that the honey was not heated before packaging.

Natural honey quickly “sugarizes” - within a month. If it does not crystallize at all, it may have been subjected to heat treatment.

Sugar, flour, starch and even chalk are often added to honey. This can be determined using simple tests.

The most popular in Ukraine are linden, buckwheat and acacia honey. They come in different colors and flavors and are useful for different purposes.

Even real honey can be dangerous for allergy sufferers and children under one year old.

To melt candied honey, place the jar in a water bath at 40 degrees.

Now you can distinguish a fake and buy delicious natural honey for your family. Drink tea with honey - and no flu will overcome you!